Planet Hunters Talk

K2 mission data

  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Seems that data gathering from field 1 of Kepler's K2 mission's has been completed and data processing has started. Data release is expected during late November. Meanwhile, two final major data releases from the original Kepler field are still underway.


  • JKD by JKD

    I’m waiting since months for the new K2 data.
    Will these LCs be available on this „page“ (PH2) within the next days?
    If „NO“ where do I have access to these actual (brand new) LCs?


  • JKD by JKD

    during the last months I’m often finding
    sometimes confusing SIMs,
    wrong positioned red-marked Candidates
    insufficient data consistency to already confirmed candidates


  • Martti_Holst_Kristiansen by Martti_Holst_Kristiansen in response to JKD's comment.

    As far as I know there are not any K2 data converted to FITS files, besides the Engineering test, so we will have to wait unless you are able to work with TPF files.


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist in response to JKD's comment.

    We are working on that. The development team has to get the light curves loaded and live on the site. I hope that the data is live soon. There currently isn't a full processing pipeline from the Kepler team for these new K2 data. There are new systematics from the spacecraft rolling and then being repositioned with thrusters that need to be account for. Different groups are working on this, and there was talk from the Kepler team of sometime in early 2015 have reduced light curves generated from their pipeline. In the meantime there is the pixel by pixel data (called the target pixel files) available online with the Kepler guest observer data tools.


