Planet Hunters Talk

Star 204095231 K2 C11 data at 2891.5 BKJD

  • doctordave by doctordave

    Again possibly a glitch but this is a very symmetrical dip in the light curve. Could this be a transit?

    enter image description here


  • doctordave by doctordave

    Does anyone wish to comment on this? The symmetry makes me think it may not be a glitch. The slight anomaly to the left hand side of the curve makes me think it could be caused by a moon but this is pure conjecture.


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax in response to doctordave's comment.

    Re 204095231: I think the regular contributors here all mentioned this target as either a possible PC or EB, and maybe more likely the latter. I listed it on ExoFOP also. However there seems to be a frequent glitch just before the 2891.5 BKJD time you mentioned, so that might explain the exomoon dip. But an interesting idea and PH the right place to suggest such conjectures.
