Planet Hunters Talk

More about the new Planet Hunters 2.0

  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist

    A lot of big changes today. We've got blogs post describing some of them and the motivation behind the light curves currently showing on the site. I thought I'd use this thread to organize and list posts about the new classification interface and Talk:

    A Brand New Planet Hunters - post about the relaunch

    Planet Occurrence Rates - about the light curves showing and the science goal behind it




  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist


    I wrote a blog post summary trying to introduce some of the new features you'll encounter in this version of Talk compared to the original version that Old Planet Hunters Talk is based on.




  • Hildifons by Hildifons

    I apologize if this is not the place to ask this. I would like to know what's going on with the project. I would like to have more updates, not just naming of exo planets, but also info on developments (if there are any) on the project, it's science, light curve analysis, etc. I feel the blog is not as up to date as it could be. Thank you very much for your kind atention and your hard work (of which I would like to know more, please)


  • bbylett by bbylett

    I am new to classification.
    I have viewed a few and they are all weird, i.e. I was expecting a pretty straight line of readings, reflecting that the object concerned was not in flux. But they all seem to be.
    Am I missing something?


  • kamathln by kamathln

    When Clicking "finish" and commenting on the light curve, it shows a random tag and a sample photo for the tag. It is good for leaning. But it would be much more awesome if we can browse through all the pics there (with a left and right arrow). That way, we can quickly compare the current light curve with the sample picture and tag accordingly.


  • mayito7777 by mayito7777

    Why are we reviewing the same thing time and time again? I just did a bunch of them and were the same ones I did yesterday and before yesterday, the same ones that 10000 people have already commented on them?
