Planet Hunters Talk

"On the Detection of Non-Transiting Exoplanets with Dusty Tails"

  • Artman40 by Artman40

    This paper talks about new method of detecting non-transiting exoplanets using their dusty tails. It also shows what the transit signature might look like.

    Question: If I see anything like that in the data, should it be accounted for and added to the candidates list?


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    "Scaled to the few transiting planets we know of with
    dusty tails, it appears quite realistic that the amplitudes
    of the scattering peaks could be in the range 50-500 ppm.
    Furthermore, because these can be detected to orbital inclination
    angles of & 45◦
    , we might potentially be able to
    detect about an equal number of non-transiting as transiting
    dusty planets via this method."
