Planet Hunters Talk

KIC 6766663: possible transit events

  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Just noting there might be a LP super-Earth or sub-Neptune visible in the view list here on PH2. My opinion is only two transit-like features in a somewhat ragged light curve, but they do appear similar when flattened and fitted. But should also mention these could just be coincidental changes in the flux.


    s1=207.29 p1=972.5 d1=0.95 (22.8 hrs)



    Also noting 6766663 on a list in this study, but probably unrelated to our work:

    "White-light flares on cool stars in the Kepler Quarter 1 Data"

    Lucianne M. Walkowicz, Gibor Basri, Natalie Batalha, Ronald L. Gilliland, Jon Jenkins, William J. Borucki, David Koch, Doug Caldwell, Andrea K. Dupree, David W. Latham, Soeren Meibom, Steve Howell, Tim Brown, Steve Bryson


  • JKD by JKD

    congratulation — good hunting


  • Martti_Holst_Kristiansen by Martti_Holst_Kristiansen

    Unfortunately, the features do not seem to be visible in raw data.


    enter image description here

    enter image description here


  • Shellface by Shellface

    It looks like both events are straddled by flares to me. If you follow the minimum flux during both events, they line up quite well with the flux before/after the flares, particularly for the first one. That probably explains the non-detections.
