Planet Hunters Talk

C12 K2 Finds

  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Of course the TRAPPIST-1 planets already a great find, but looks like we can start out c12 with this news:

    "K2 Observations of TRAPPIST-1 to be released Tuesday March 7th"

    As always,

    More grateful acknowledgements for our amateur astronomy research published here:

    "This research has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program."

    "Some/all of the data presented in this research were obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555. Support for MAST for non-HST data is provided by the NASA Office of Space Science via grant NNX09AF08G and by other grants and contracts."


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Campaign 12 ended. Data is currently being downlinked.


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Data release deiayed for a day because of strong winds in Goldstone and rain in Madrid.


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Raw data for K2 Campaign 12 and TRAPPIST-1 now available.

    Come and get it while it's hot! Also, are transit light curves of 6 planets with known period inaccurate because of faintness of the star or because the data is not properly processed yet?


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Artman40's comment.

    Well, my first LC with the help of Mark Omohundro


    P001 PlanetaryTransit 1 200164267 2939.133300 2939.139400 0.000000000000 334580

    P007 PlanetaryTransit7 1 200164267 2941.310800 2941.348300 0.000000000000 603431

    P005 PlanetaryTransit5 1 200164267 2952.216800 2952.243500 0.000000000000 634769

    P003 PlanetaryTransit3 1 200164267 2972.044300 2972.056600 0.000000000000 749063

    P004 PlanetaryTransit4 1 200164267 2951.312400 2951.330800 0.000000000000 584539

    P002 PlanetaryTransit2 1 200164267 2952.413800 2952.423300 0.000000000000 485938

    P001 PlanetaryTransit6 1 200164267 2960.266400 2960.273200 0.000000000000 622192

    P008 PlanetaryTransit8 1 200164267 2961.074200 2961.102800 0.000000000000 728115

    P.S. After looking at the short cadence data provided by Chelsea Huang I think most of these "transits" are just artefacts. Maybe 3,5,6,7 are still opf interest.


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Were there simultaneous Spitzer/Kepler observations of transiting planets? If so, does it take three months for Spitzer data to become available?


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans

    Looking at Andrews long cadence LC I can at least identify planet b, c, d, e, f, g:

    EPIC 200164267, P=1.51087 days, starting at BKJD 2906.52, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0078 (planet b)

    EPIC 200164267, P=2.4218 days, starting at BKJD 2907.53, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0055 (planet c)

    EPIC 200164267, P=4.0496 days, starting at BKJD 2905.98, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0054 (planet d)

    EPIC 200164267, P=6.0996 days, starting at BKJD 2906.66, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0034 (planet e)

    EPIC 200164267, P=9.20669 days, starting at BKJD 2912.02, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0081 (planet f)

    EPIC 200164267, P=12.3529 days, starting at BKJD 2906.49, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0070 (planet g)

    EPIC 200164267, P=16.55 days, starting at BKJD 2906.83, duration 3,5 hours, depth 0.0072 (planet X)

    EPIC 200164267, P=19.9739 days, starting at BKJD 2923.70, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0076 (maybe planet h)

    EPIC 200164267, P=26.74 days, starting at BKJD 2923.195, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0099 (planet Y), mentioned by Ivan


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Andrew, many thanks!... Very nice corrections. And the NEA ephemeris values here might also be helpful:

    [ TRAPPIST-1: 0.117 R_Sun, 0.0802 M_Sun, 2559 Teff ]

    TRAPPIST-1 b, P=1.510848, AU=0.01111, Inclination=89.41, Eccentricity=0, Depth (perc)=0.754, Duration (days)=0.02508, Duration (hours)=0.602, Mid-Point (days)=2457322.51765

    2457322.51765 - 2454833 = 2489.51765 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 c, P=2.421848, AU=0.01522, Inclination=89.50, Eccentricity=0, Depth (perc)=0.672, Duration (days)=0.02901, Duration (hours)=0.6963, Mid-Point (days)=2457362.72618

    2457362.72618 - 2454833 = 2529.72618 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 d, P=4.049610, AU=0.02144, Inclination=89.75, Eccentricity=<0.070, Depth (perc)=0.367, Duration (days)=0.03412, Duration (hours)=0.8188, Mid-Point (days)=2457670.14165

    2457670.14165 - 2454833 = 2837.14165 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 e, P=6.099615, AU=0.02817, Inclination=89.86, Eccentricity=<0.085, Depth (perc)=0.519, Duration (days)=0.03973, Duration (hours)=0.9535, Mid-Point (days)=2457660.37859

    2457660.37859 - 2454833 = 2827.37859 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 f, P=9.206690, AU=0.0371, Inclination=89.680, Eccentricity=<0.063, Depth (perc)=0.673, Duration (days)=0.04346, Duration (hours)=1.043, Mid-Point (days)=2457671.39767

    2457671.39767 - 2454833 = 2838.39767 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 g, P=12.35294, AU=0.0451, Inclination=89.710, Eccentricity=<0.061, Depth (perc)=0.782, Duration (days)=0.04750, Duration (hours)=1.140, Mid-Point (days)=2457665.34937

    2457665.34937 - 2454833 = 2832.34937 BKJD

    TRAPPIST-1 h, P=20, AU=0.063, Inclination=89.80, Eccentricity=null, Depth (perc)=0.3520, Duration (days)=0.05333, Duration (hours)=1.280, Mid-Point (days)=2457662.55463

    2457662.55463 - 2454833 = 2829.55463 BKJD



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    All right, here is a light curve time sequence from Andrew's first corrected dataset for TRAPPIST-1 EPIC 200164267 with all known planet transits highlighted. Those of you without software could possibly spot even more new planets here in true style with your keen eyesight. Best of luck!



  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    Long shot, but how about dip at 2949.8? and 2976.69 and period 26.74? starting from 2923.20

    and also dips at 2919.34 and 2920.51 ; and period 1.164700 ?

    interesting dips: incomplete dip at 2983.76? aslo at 2924.17 ; 2928.25 ; and 2944.72


    maybe also 2953.05 and 2978.12 and period ~25.05

    interesting dips at 2924.17 and 2966.16; 2967.57


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    P=26.74 days might work, starting at BKJD 2923.19, duration only 1.5 hours, depth 0.0099, so maybe grazing transit.


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    EPIC 246018746 - dip at 2939.189 another at 2959.09 ( this one is a glitch ); possible transit with 11.157d period; start from 2959.09

    EPIC 246375295 aka WASP 28 - maybe addtional dip at 2983.51? and also 2943.71 and 2917.04

    246053567 - maybe dips at 2922.21 and 2950.82 ~period 28.62


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    EPIC 246375295 aka WASP 28 P=3.4087 days, starting at BKJD 2908.35, duration 3.9 hours, depth 0.014. Maybe additional planet with P2=24.53 days, starting at BKJD 2923.64, duration 3.4 hours, depth 0.0021.


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 60017806/246375295 from the K2 Engineering and our c12 lists: and as mentioned, this is WASP-28b an inflated Jupiter-mass planet.

    s1=2908.357 p1=3.4088 d1=0.1349 (3.2376 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246375295 , 2MASS J23342787-0134482 , 11.078 , 10.762 , 10.732 , 0.316 , 0.03 , ('G5V', 0.98) , ('A0V',2.3)

    60017806 , 2MASS J23342787-0134482 , 11.078 , 10.762 , 10.732 , 0.316 , 0.03 , G , ('G5V', 0.98) , ('A0V', 2.3)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246375295 353.6162 -1.58 0.04 11.933 12

    60017806 353.6162 -1.5801 0.12 11.500 E


    246375295,2MASS J23342787-0134482,353.616168,-1.580036,6150,1.094,1.021,11.933,21.500,9.100, 410±70



  • tommi59 by tommi59 in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    I do not think so the length of transit 20 days period does not suit well for tentative h I would bet 26 days period rather or more distant planet with high impact parameter


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to tommi59's comment.

    I must agree that in the short cadence data it does NOT look convincing. Your explanation sounds better.



  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    Frome the SC data

    Interesting dips 2913.63; 2914.00; 2967.91

    2907.63; 2910.98; 2914.00; 2914.01 ;2918.74 ; 2937.699 ; 2948.63 ; 2952.99

    maybe 2907.63; 2910.98; and period ~3.345500d ?

    or 2907.63 and 2948.63 period 40.99?

    2914.01 ;2918.74 and period ~4.73 ?

    2907.48 and 2907.92 ; period ~0.44d ?


  • tommi59 by tommi59

    Likely we have to look for additional planets with periods longer than 30 days .Periods 20 days looks ok and 26.74 (I guess planet h) as well but 16.55 is doubtful.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to tommi59's comment.

    Yes, maybe we have something at BKJD 2966.234-2966.401 (about 4 hours duration) for example. But very short period ones seem to be possible too I think, see Ivan's (Dolorous_Edd) comment above.


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Ok, just started fitting some of the Trappist-1 planets and candidates and I hope you all do, as well! These charts are planets b,c,d,e from Andrew's LC data:

    planet b
    planet c
    planet d
    planet e


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to ajamyajax's comment.

    By the way, when we look at the SC data, we see that the real period for planet_b is rather around 1.51095 days for example.


  • tommi59 by tommi59

    Considering stability of the system there is no space for additional planets with periods shorter than 16 days I mean anywhere between currently known.


  • Shellface by Shellface

    Looks like I've been missing the party! I must apologise for being late once again.

    I would like to remind everyone that the recent paper is open-access through ESO and arXiv, and there is a great deal of important information included within it.

    Though the Spitzer data has not been made public as far as I know, it is plotted in the paper (image link). The Spitzer data is a lot more precise than the K2 data, so it is far easier to observe the presence or absence of transits. Please use this to test whether planet candidates seen in the K2 data are plausible.

    Additionally, efg have considerable (>10 minute) TTVs (image link). These must rack up considerably over the 70-day K2 series, so constant-period ephemerides will not describe the transits of these planets well.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Shellface's comment.

    Very good information. Thanks Shellface.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Shellface's comment.

    Maybe of use :

    Offset of the times of the Spitzer data is -4833 days (they used 2450000 as the baseline where K2 uses 2454833)


  • Shellface by Shellface in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Excellent work! The "download excel source data" link (hotlink) contains the detrended Spitzer data used in the paper. This is hugely valuable.

    For comparisons between the Spitzer and K2 data, remember that K2 dates are (barycentric julian days - 2454833), while the Spitzer dates used here are (barycentric julian days - 2457600).


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Shellface's comment.

    Hm, I wanted to do this comparison with the Spitzer data in any case. I had to sort the data to see all the transits well though.



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Just looked at the first Spitzer file, but I think about an 87 day difference from when that light curve and TRAPPIST-1 observed in K2 C12. And 87 days (earlier) not exact so with a minor time adjustment I got close with this which gets you a near match for the epoch minus all those period values back ~87 days.

    Spitzer time (e.g. 7650.847411) - 4832.485411 + 0.51 = ~ matching BKJD to the K2 C12 observations.

    And you can tweak it from there of course.

    And the Spitzer transit quality is mighty nice, too!


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to ajamyajax's comment.

    Yes, the offset is 87.515 days, but to move the Spitzer data to the K2 times, I had to substract 4833 from the values given in the Spitzer Excel file. So I can see the Spitzer data in the BKJD times, and I can directly compare the transit dates found in the K2 short cadence data to the ones found by Spitzer.


    zoom (planets d and e) :


    At least I finally was able to retrieve all Spitzer transits (except planet h, which I have not correctly found so far in the K2 data). Interestingly the planet candidate with period 26.736 does not show in the Spitzer lightcurve, so maybe it just fell outside of the 20-day window of Spitzer. By the way, I checked only the Spizer data, not the ground data so far.

    The "zero-point" of planet h is BKJD 2829.554 (taken from the Spitzer data).


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to tommi59's comment.

    I could nail down the K2 date of the Spitzer transit of plant h : it's BKJD 2829.554. So far I could not identify the corresponding dips in the K2 SC data, but maybe we have a long period transit at BKJD 2966.322, it seems NOT to belong to planet h though.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans

    Maybe I have finally found planet h :

    h001 PlanetaryTransith 1 200164267 2927.317915 2927.380579 32.60100000000 14235

    i.e. P=32.601 days, at BKJD 2829.5256 (Spitzer), BKJD 2927.35 and BKJD 2959.951 (K2 C12).


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    How about dips at 2953.05 and 2978.12 ? and period ~25?


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Is photometric precision of light curve expected to improve significantly with calibrated data?


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Artman40's comment.

    Probably yes. I expect that the precision of the short cadence data should be able to reach the quality of the Spitzer data with proper corrections and skillful detrending.

    I try to have a look a the Python scripts of Chelsea Huang, but as I have basically no idea about Python it will cost me a few days at best...


  • tommi59 by tommi59 in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Periods 20 days ,26.74 and 32.6 for potential planets would have resonances 8:6:5 almost perfect 4:3 and very close to 6:5 such orbits not very likely but still possible


  • tommi59 by tommi59 in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    Looks like transits but there is definitely no transit at around 2928 to have 25 days period so possible long period planets


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans

    I tried also AKO for Trappist-1 K2 data, here is the result (only planets b-g are visible, h is only 2 transits...):

    planet_b 1.511 days


    planet_c 2.422 days


    planet_d 4.0505 days


    planet_e 6.0996 days


    planet_f 9.2095 days


    planet_g 12.3529 days



  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans

    I try to summarize once more the possible transits of planets around Trappist-1 (EPIC 200164267) in the following table (useful as input to LcViewer's Signals):

    b001 PlanetaryTransitb 1 200164267 2906.500560 2906.528050 1.510950000000 12149

    c001 PlanetaryTransitc 1 200164267 2907.507570 2907.546400 2.421900000000 19182

    d001 PlanetaryTransitd 1 200164267 2905.960700 2906.022020 4.049700000000 13959

    e001 PlanetaryTransite 1 200164267 2906.634350 2906.701100 6.099600000000 14535

    f001 PlanetaryTransitf 1 200164267 2912.006340 2912.056070 9.206690000000 19780

    g001 PlanetaryTransitg 1 200164267 2906.440220 2906.539900 12.352940000000 21542

    x001 PlanetaryTransithh 1 200164267 2923.156700 2923.235000 26.736000000000 12166

    h001 PlanetaryTransith 1 200164267 2829.525629 2829.582545 0.000000000000 6196

    P006 PlanetaryTransit6 1 200164267 2927.317915 2927.380579 32.601000000000 14235

    P001 PlanetaryTransit 1 200164267 2908.465886 2908.490406 0.000000000000 9694

    P002 PlanetaryTransit2 1 200164267 2966.235746 2966.398534 0.000000000000 10817

    P003 PlanetaryTransit3 1 200164267 2937.401898 2937.429824 0.000000000000 12112

    P004 PlanetaryTransit4 1 200164267 2931.434605 2931.519061 0.000000000000 11326

    P005 PlanetaryTransit5 1 200164267 2952.216800 2952.243500 0.000000000000 9625

    P007 PlanetaryTransit7 1 200164267 2941.310800 2941.348300 0.000000000000 5209

    P008 PlanetaryTransit8 1 200164267 2969.462893 2969.571191 0.000000000000 13631

    P009 PlanetaryTransit9 1 200164267 2966.596058 2966.617854 0.000000000000 13256

    Transits b001 up to g001 are rather certain (known planets b up to g), x001 is a candiate with a found period (by Ivan), h001 is the Spitzer transit of planet_h, P006 is the same object in the K2 data (at least to my interpretation), the rest are single dips which might or might not be additional candidates.

    First column is just a name, second column is a name for the feature, third one is just 1 or 2 (means primary feature or not), 4th is EPIC number, 5th is start date of feature (BKJD), 6th is end date (BKJD), 7th is period (in hours, 0.0 if nothing is found), 8th colum is a code number for the color in the plot.

    Regards, Hans Martin


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    Looks like the first post-Kepler observation TRAPPIST-1 paper was rushed out in less than 1 week after raw Kepler data became available.

    "A terrestrial-sized exoplanet at the snow line of TRAPPIST-1"

    Apparently, the period of TRAPPIST-1h is 18.764 days, its radius was constrained to 0.715 Earth radii and equilibrium temperature to -104.15°C.
    This means we might have our first cold Earth.

    Also, star's rotation period was measured to be 3.3 days. Its age is now estimated to be 3-8 billion years.

    No additional planets were detected.

    However, someone else found this:

    Maybe they should have waited with the paper.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Artman40's comment.

    Nice paper. It seems that one transit of planet_h is hidden in a flare, and one is inside a transit of planet_b, no wonder I got its period wrong then...


  • Shellface by Shellface

    However, someone else found this:

    Maybe they should have waited with the paper.

    Eh? That's h…

    h's period being towards the lower end of its previous bounds leaves the inner system dynamically "full", meaning there is very likely no room for further planets with periods below ~24 days. However, it is possible that there are additional planets somewhere beyond this. The transits of such a planet would have to be similarly shallow as h's and must be rather infrequent to have avoided detection so far, and it would also have to have not transited during Spitzer observations.

    The odds are slim, but some further work on TRAPPIST-1 could be worthwhile.


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    The guys who wrote the paper about planet h made their LC public , if somebody is interested

    Maybe worthwhile to check if there is a possible signal with 26.73 d period present in their LC, or any other signal


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    Well, I cannot run the code under python-2.7 and Ubuntu-16.04 LTS, it crashes on generating the FITS files:

    03/14/17 20:31:23 INFO [everest.detrender.init()]: Initializing nPLDTrappist model for 200164267.

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246165150...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246211745...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246171759...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246127507...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246228828...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 206392586...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246121678...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246229336...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246196866...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246217553...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246239441...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.setup()]: Loading data for neighboring target 246144695...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO []: Loading target data...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.basecamp.plot_aperture()]: Plotting the aperture...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO []: nPLDTrappist (Raw): CDPP = 806.97 ppm / 874.47 ppm / 949.42 ppm (871.74 ppm)

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.get_outliers()]: Clipping outliers...

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.detrender.get_outliers()]: Iter 0/20: 0 outliers

    03/14/17 20:31:24 INFO [everest.basecamp.compute()]: Computing the model...

    ... and so on, until ...

    03/14/17 20:45:05 INFO [everest.basecamp.compute()]: Computing the model...

    03/14/17 20:45:08 INFO []: nPLDTrappist (3/3): CDPP = 292.92 ppm / 303.69 ppm / 293.30 ppm (294.03 ppm)

    03/14/17 20:45:11 INFO [everest.detrender.save_model()]: Saving data to 'nPLDTrappist.npz'...

    03/14/17 20:45:13 INFO [everest.fits.MakeFITS()]: Generating FITS file...

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: TypeError: data type not understood

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "", line 457, in PlotFolded()

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "", line 38, in PlotFolded star = LongCadenceLightcurve()

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/home/t7321/util/trappist1-master/", line 585, in LongCadenceLightcurve fitsfile = Publish(model)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/home/t7321/util/trappist1-master/", line 535, in Publish everest.fits.MakeFITS(star)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/everest/", line 309, in MakeFITS lightcurve = LightcurveHDU(model)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/everest/", line 170, in LightcurveHDU hdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols, header = header, name = 'ARRAYS')

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/hdu/", line 121, in from_columns data = FITS_rec.from_columns(coldefs, nrows=nrows, fill=fill)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/", line 328, in from_columns raw_data = np.empty(columns.dtype.itemsize * nrows, dtype=np.uint8)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/", line 245, in get val = self._fget(obj)

    03/14/17 20:45:13 ERROR [everest.utils.ExceptionHookPDB()]: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfits/", line 1445, in dtype return nh.realign_dtype(np.dtype(fields), offsets)


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd


    Looking at EVEREST Lc

    How about dip at 2908.69 and period 26.166 ?

    The rest of C12 candidates , from preview files of Mark Omohundro, also thanks to Al Schmitt (HEK) for his LcViewer :

    I will start from the beginning


    246365896 - dips with period 0.530d ( or half of that ): likely EB

    246389308 - single dip at 2909.94; it is a EB secondary at 2918.7

    246375295 - WASP 28

    246347783 - maybe single dip at 2909.27

    246332357 - period 1.427 ; likely EB eclipse

    246317123 - period 1.53 ; likely EB eclipse

    246310506 - period 0.511; likely EB eclipse

    246310679 - period 8.143

    246302531 - single dip at 2914.99; likely EB eclipse

    246277489 - maybe dip at 2909.39

    246273831 - single dip at 2911.50; likely EB eclipse

    246267436 - period 1.130 likely EB eclipse

    246264106 - period 0.760 likely EB eclipse

    246263295 - single incomplete dip at 2905.91

    246261934 - single dot "transit"; likely nothing but mention it anyway; period 3.92

    246251563 - single dip at 2909.37; it is EB ; primary at 2917.30

    246205281 - period 3.157

    246203511 - transits with irregular depth, period ~0.277


    246142162 - period 2.468; visible secondary at 2907.71? EB?

    246135405 - single dip at 2908.23; i don't trust it


    246132219 - period 3.484; looks good but in glitch area

    246127372 - period 1.798; likely EB

    246103525 - maybe dips with period ~1.27

    246069793 - single dip at 2911.93; I don't trust it

    246068329 - dips at 2907.29; 2911.7; 2912.49; in glitch are I don't trust it

    246067459 - 4 transits; period 3.198; good PC candidate

    246057988 - or EB other transits are incomplete; period 2.69; additional dip at 2908.9 ?


    246037366 - dip at 2910.39; I don't trust it

    246036651 - dip at 2906.54; It is EB ; primary at 2913.90

    246035291 - dip at 2911.73

    246031933 - single dip at 2911.59

    246025782 - dip at 2907.6 ; I don't trust it

    246024293 - dip at 2907.94

    246023698 - single dip at 2914.8

    246021310 - single dip at 2907.37 ; see? something contaminates them

    246020606 - single dip at 2907.34 ; I don't trust this one

    246019683 - 2 dips 2907.0; 2907.59; I don't trust them

    246018919 - maybe MPC ; p1 = 2.708 ; p2 = ? see 2909.00 and 2912.50

    245999472 - single dip at 2910.62; hint of dip at 2912.49 ; EB?

    245998035 - single dip at 2911.11

    245964126 - dip at 2908.5

    245966594 - it is EB period 5.55

    245953291 - single dip at 2905.63

    245949413 it is Detcahed EB; period ?

    245942107 - single dip at 2906.54; likely EB eclipse; period ~33d

    245930946 - D - period 1.584 - shallow depth; likely EB

    245912429 - single dip at 2908.89

    245924775 - single dip at 2911.71

    245917677 - period 2.724; start from 2906.49


    Contact -- Detached -- semi-detached

    246396443 - C - period 0.224

    246394998 - D - 1 eclipses ( 2913.97 ) - period unknown

    246394776 - C - period 0.310

    246391384 - maybe C

    246379528 - C - period 0.388

    246377449 - C - period 0.326

    246362671 - C - period 0.306

    246359551 - D - 2 eclipses ( 2905.6 amd 2914.33 ) - period unknown

    246356898 - maybe C - period 0.226

    246354303 - maybe C - period 0.486

    246348104 - maybe C - period 0.388

    246346985 - D - period maybe 5.88; same as 246346930; maybe contaminator

    246346930 - D - period maybe 5.88

    246339840 - D - period ?; single dip at 2909.87 maybe real?

    246335716 - C - period 0.306

    246331870 - maybe C - period 0.226

    246331633 - maybe C - period 0.552

    246328838 - maybe C - period 0.552

    246323447 - C - period 0.5

    246321369 - C - period 0.653

    246318423 - C - period 0.306

    246318019 - C - period 0.347

    246317113 - D - period 2.6

    246304831 - D - period 2.752

    246299560 - C - period 0.410

    246296516 - maybe C EB

    246296216 - maybe C EB

    246294080 - C - period 0.286

    246291765 - SD - period maybe 0.512

    246289524 - maybe C EB

    246280507 - maybe C EB - period 0.332

    246275010 - C - period 0.470

    246270357 - SD - period maybe 0.940

    246269355 - SD - period maybe 0.796

    246261328 - D - period maybe 0.858

    246257206 - C - period 0.224; contact binary irregular depth

    246256010 - D - period maybe 0.916

    246253224 - C - period 0.326

    246247609 - D - period 1.753;

    246245244 - C - period 0.308

    246244038 - C - period 0.286

    246234081 - Maybe C EB; period 0.187

    246233803 - SD - period 0.490

    246233135 - 1 eclipses visible 2906.79 - period ?

    246231977 - D - period 1

    246229765 - SD - period 0.633

    246227252 - C - period 0.265

    246219451 - D - period 0.712

    246195250 - maybe C EB

    246194159 - single dip at 2914.38 - period ? ( in glitch area, but transit is deep so maybe real )

    246190522 - C - period 0.327

    246183140 - C - period 0.408

    246183100 - single dip at 2914.38 - period ? (apparently it is a contamination )

    246182433 - C - period 0.388

    246180053 - C - period 0.864

    246178617 - C - period 0.316

    246171456 - maybe C EB; period 0.864

    246167026 - C - period 0.380

    246166661 - C - period 0.340

    246156426 - С - period 0.204

    246154132 - С - period 0.245

    246153513 - 2 eclipses visible - period ?

    246150247 - Maybe C EB

    246144296 - D - period 2.115; maybe PC instead

    246141050 - D - period 1.676 maybe EB with double the period

    246132413 - D - period 2.84

    246119020 - С - period 0.4

    246115758 -SD - period 0.581

    246115703 - D - period 2.85

    246112974 - D - period 1

    246110802 - D - period 2.85

    246110750 - D - period 6.018

    246103409 - С - period 0.286

    246103409 - С - period 0.531

    246100734 - D - 2eclipses visible - period ?

    246098758 - D - 2eclipses visible - period ?

    246090124 - maybe EB with 0.628 d period

    246086182 - D - period 0.534

    246081761 - C - period 0.265

    246076742 - C - period 0.628

    246072383 - C - period 0.347

    246071718 - C - period 0.408

    246069739 - D - period 2.380

    246063596 - C - period 0.535

    246063022 - Maybe C EB

    246061664 - Maybe C EB

    246059417 - C - period 0.850

    246057376 - C - period 0.490

    246056941 - Maybe C EB

    246055721 - Maybe C EB

    246051882 - D - period 3.811

    246049211 - C - period 0.245

    246044855 - C - period 0.490

    246038346 - SD - period 0.964

    246035190 - C - period 0.266

    246032166 - D - period 4.84

    246026049 - D - maybe EB eclipse at 2908.93; i don't trust it

    246024982 - D - period 3.627

    246024234 - D - 2 eclipses - period ?

    246023959 - C - maybe contamination; period 0.624

    246021727 - C - period 0.510

    246021197 - C - period 0.245

    246018610 - - maybe C EB

    246017002 - C - period 0.326

    246013395 - C - period 0.388

    246013024 - C - period 0.613

    246011239 - maybe C EB

    246003821 - D - period 5.8

    245999181 - D - 2 eclipses - period unknown

    245998731 - C - period 0.388

    245998257 - C - period 0.388

    245995881 - SD - period 0.889

    245993419 - C - period 0.326

    245991994 - C - period 0.674

    245986045 - D - single eclipse at 2909.325; period unknown

    245980672 - D - period 0.885

    245969915 - D - period 0.887

    245969161 - C - period 0.224

    245967743 - D - period 0.887 ; shallow depth

    245963744 - D - period 1

    245958274 - C - period 0.326

    245958274 - C - period 0.286

    245957893 - period 0.951

    245954352 - SD - period 0.984

    245942495 - D - 2 eclipses - period unknown

    245937246 - C - period 0.244

    245986045 - likely not eb

    245935932 - C - period 0.479

    245933690 - D - period

    245932119 - D - period 1.589

    245931388 - D - period 2.828; shallow depth

    245927279 - C - period 0.442 ( contaminate 245926081 ? )

    245926081 - C - period 0.442

    245923478 - C - period 0.448

    245921244 - C - period ~0.308

    245912234 - D - period 1.640 ( contaminate 245912213)

    245912213 - D - period 1.640 ( contamination from 245912234)


    206395241 - likely contact EB


    246397696 - Is that a DN outburst at 2912.51 ??

    246379581 - possible SSO at 2910.10

    246378494 - regular variable

    246369613 - maybe dip at 2906.78

    246366901 - maybe dips at 2905.94 and 2912.51

    246366759 - dip at 2905.55

    246363270 - maybe dips at 2906.64 and 2910.28

    246359278 - maybe dip at 2905.6

    246355319 - maybe dip at 2905.96

    246351120 - maybe dip at 2910.18

    246349386 - maybe dip at 2909.81

    246334090 - maybe dip at 2908.90

    246328599 - regular variable

    246327225 - maybe dip at 2914.29

    246326327 - maybe dip at 2912.23

    246325694 - maybe dip at 2912.52

    246315515 - dip at 2909.38

    246315313 - maybe dip at 2912.5

    246307815 - maybe dip at 2908.19

    246305581 - maybe dips with 2.486 period

    246300909 - regular variable

    246297630 - what happened here at 2911.92? looks like SSO but rise is loong

    246286002 - maybe dips at 2906.49 and 2910.17

    246284765 - maybe dip at 2909.39

    246282238 - maybe dips at 2907.60 and 2909.39

    246279103 - maybe dip at 2911.72

    246271889 - regular variable

    246255479 - maybe single dip at 2908.89

    246248619 - maybe dip at 2908.81

    246240303 - maybe dip at 2907.40

    246221510 - maybe dips with period 2.717, start at 2908.32

    246214885 - maybe dip at 2912.5 ( again maybe glitch )

    246213900 - maybe dip at 2909.68

    246202149 - maybe dip at 2912.51

    246186115 - maybe dip at 2914.37

    246170608 - period 2912.67

    246164933 - maybe dips at 2906.59 and 2910.5

    246159176 - maybe dip at 2906.59

    246157466 - maybe dip at 2912.52

    246112447 - check later

    246078484 - irregular deep dips

    246064994 - Contamination ?

    246058914 ???

    246503600 - same as 246467535

    245971543 - maybe dip at 2907.83

    246467535 - huge irregular dips , likely processing artifact

    246031512 - dip at 2910.03

    246025901 - irregular dips , likely processing artifact

    246004693 - irregular dips , likely processing artifact

    246021427- maybe dips at 2907.30; 2908.937; 2911.86

    246021166 - maybe dip at 2911.02

    245987749 - maybe dip at 2907.61

    245951494 - maybe dip at 2910.54

    245941750 - maybe dip at 2911.767

    206407149 - maybe dips at 2905.97 and 2911.68

    206397829 - maybe dip at 2911.69

    RR Lyr




    246385425 - RR or Cepheid?
























    246184278 - and maybe dip at 2906.720

























    245988750 - maybe R


















    I give up, there is just too many of them

    246348152 - HB pulse at 2907.394; maybe contaminaton, but where is a contaminator


    246191224 - example of 2914.36 contamination




    246055117 - example of 2911.72

    246054495 - example of 2908.87




    246044040 - example 2909 glitch







    246041043 - glitch likely











    246037082 - example of 2908 glitch

    246036997 - example of 2909 glitch







    246028836 maybe 2 dips ; at 2907.29 and 2911.90














    246027118 - dip at 2907.7 maybe glitch








    246026980 - maybe EB eclipse at 2908.93; i don't trust it






    245954271 - maybe 2 dips ; at 2907.29 and 2911.90


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    Ok, let start then from the last one and work towards the beginning:

    PC candidates

    245923887 P=21.35 days, starting at BKJD 2919.37, duration 7.35 days, depth 0.0048 (5.3 R_Earth)

    245950175 MPC, famous EE 4-planet system, P1=8.2630 days, etc. , see, well, with the corrected LC of Andrew Vanderburg, I think I get spot up to seven planets around EPIC 245950175:

    P001 PlanetaryTransit 1 245950175 2907.565658 2907.708694 8.263000000000 1409

    P003 PlanetaryTransit3 1 245950175 2907.252222 2907.435258 3.559600000000 374

    P002 PlanetaryTransit2 1 245950175 2905.591235 2905.795571 12.756000000000 1859

    P005 PlanetaryTransit5 1 245950175 2912.109932 2912.353400 19.500000000000 485

    P004 PlanetaryTransit4 1 245950175 2910.116629 2910.281807 5.404500000000 630

    P006 PlanetaryTransit6 1 245950175 2907.317427 2907.418385 2.353200000000 369

    P007 PlanetaryTransit7 1 245950175 2910.076293 2910.239749 27.031263000000 792

    245978894 P=43.27 days, starting at BKJD 2936.71, duration 7.8 hours, depth 0.0047 (6.08 R_Earth), only 2 transits , a bit doubtful case I think

    245995977 P=3.3125 days, starting at BKJD 2906.89, duration 4 hours, depth 0.003 (4.8 R_Earth)

    246011078 P=5.915 days, starting at BKJD 2910.26, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0229 (12 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan as an EB (which is also possible of course)

    246018746 P=38.16 days, starting at BKJD 2934.37, duration 4.9 hours, depth 0.0105 (3.68 R_Earth)

    246027668 maybe single transit at BKJD 2937.6, duration 22 hours, depth 0.0023 (6.8 R_Earth)

    246063952 P=8.114 days, starting at BKJD 2908.215, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0008 (2.87 R_Earth)

    246067459 P=3.2047 days, starting at BKJD 2907.50, duration 5 hours, depth 0.0086 (8.87 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan, now confirmed in

    246069793 P=7.272 days, starting at BKJD 2911.92, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0623 (9.2 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan who does not trust it

    246074965 P=6.928 days, starting at BKJD 2910.81, duration 2 hours, depth 0.0058 (2.3 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan, maybe TTV's present

    246088339 P=2.9886 days, starting at BKJD 2907.59, duration 3 hours, depth 0.0012 (4.5 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan, it seems to have significant TTV's, it might have several other objects, say P2=15.0175, starting at 2908.56, P3=17.3057 days, starting at 2919.11, object4 at BKJD 2949.93, etc.

    246191232 single transit at BKJD 2927.53584, duration 51.48813, depth 0.001 (7.18 R_Earth)

    246193072 P=12.455 days, strarting at BKJD 2915.24, duration 4 hours, depth 0.011 (10.08 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan

    246260670 P=3.853 days, starting at BKJD 2907.80, duration 3.5 hours ,depth 0.0061 (5.3 R_Earth)

    246261316 P=4.6958 days, starting at BKJD 2908.73, duration 4.9 hours , depth 0.0015 (3.35 R_Earth)

    246276996 Probably MPC, P1=6.47 days, starting at BKJD 2905.57, duration 5.4 hours, depth 0.0020, P2=16.143days, starting at BKJD 2919.92, duration 6 hours, depth 0.0015, maybe a third object at BKJD 2948.05, duration 10.3 hours, depth 0.0016

    246325464 P=3.3794 days, starting at BKJD 2907.585, duration 4 hours, depth 0.0045 (4.8 R_Earth)

    246326057 P=13.457 days, starting at BKJD 2915.785, duration 5.8 hours, depth 0.0168 (13.7 R_Earth)

    246385525 maybe single dip at BKJD 2968.66, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0044

    246393730 P=23.99 days, starting at BKJD 2915.92, duration 7.35 hours, depth 0.0286 (16.6 R_Earth)

    245943455 P=6.337 days, starting at BKJD 2908.785, duration 4 hours, depth 0.0003 (about 1.7 R_Earth), from Exoplanet Explorers

    246405278 P=4.463 days, starting at BKJD 2908.11, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0023, mentioned by Ivan

    246405762 P=29.8725 days, starting at BKJD 2914.265, duration 4.0 hours, depth 0.0368

    246441449 P=4.532 days, starting at BKJD 2908.01, duration about 4.4 hours, depth 0.0123

    246453091 P=10.735 days, starting at BKJD 2912.185, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.063 (maybe too large for a planet)

    246485787 P=4.5478 days, starting at BKJD 2909.637, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0028

    EB candidates

    245941309 P=25.12 days, mentioned by JKD

    245942495 P=6.483 days, mentioned by Ivan but without period

    245949413 P=13.158 days, mentioned by Ivan but without period

    245969605 P=23.108 days, mentioned by Ivan and JKD

    245986045 P=8.38 days, mentioned by Ivan with some doubts and no period

    245996104 P=0.8896 days

    245996208 P=40.07 days

    245998035 P=31.6 days, mentioned by Ivan as a single dip PC

    245999472 P=10.595 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC or EB but without period

    246018919 P=2.723 days, mentioned by Ivan as a MPC

    246023698 P=11.56 days, mentioned by Ivan as a single dip PC without period

    246024234 P=6.063 days, mentioned by Ivan but without period

    246031933 P=25.74 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC with a single dip, radius estimate about 25 R_Earth

    246036651 P=14.25 days, mentioned by Ivan but without period

    246057988 P=5.37 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC

    246090964 P=20.227 days

    EPIC 246098758 P=7.39 days, mentioned by Ivan, but without period

    246100734 P=6.69 days, mentioned by Ivan, but without period

    246109068 P=6.69 days

    246116181 P=18.8575 days

    246127372 P=3.58 days, mentioned by Ivan as a possible PC

    246132219 P=3.483 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC, but size is about 24.9 R_Earth, in addition we see secondry eclipses (for example at BKJD 2912.0)

    246142162 P=2.48 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC, but the depth corresponds to 20 R_Earth radius, so it must be an EB

    246153513 P=10.7475 days, mentioned by Ivan with an unknown period

    246163364 very nice eclipse at 2972.7, duration about 32 hours, depth 0.066, mentioned by Ivan

    246194159 primary at BKJD 2914.387, duration 8.8 hours, depth 0.379, secondary at BKJD 2977.909, duration
    15.69 hours, depth 0.307, so expected period around 127 days. Mentioned by Ivan with a single eclipse.

    246216349 P=21.46 days, starting at BKJD 2923.35, duration 5.9 hours, depth 0.0403 (7.22 R_Earth), secondaries visible

    246231977 P=1.028 , mentioned by Ivan with P=1.0d

    246247609 P=1.764 days, mentioned by Ivan with a slightly wrong period

    246251563 P=15.3748 , mentioned by Ivan as a PC

    246258298 P=5.394 days

    246261328 P=0.8437 days, mentioned by Ivan

    246263295 P=13.093 days, mentioned by Ivan as a single PC event

    246264106 P=0.7584 days, mentioned by Ivan

    246267436 P=1.1285 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC

    246270357 P=0.9288 days, mentioned by Ivan

    246273010 P=0.5304 days

    246273831 P=21.595 days, starting at BKJD 2911.54, duration 6 hours, depth 0.0376, mentioned by Ivan with a single dip

    246280933 P=0.2664 days

    246291148 P=62.49 days

    246304831 P=2.743 days, mentioned by Ivan with a slightly incorrect period

    246307262 P=0.55125 days

    246307815 P=7.723 days, mentioned as "Others" by Ivan

    246310297 P=20.738 days

    246310679 P=8.136 days, mentioned by Ivan as a PC, but there are small secondary eclipses in between.

    246317113 P=2.593 days, mentioned by Ivan.

    246363328 maybe single eclipse at BKJD 2938.25 , duration 83.4 hours, depth 0.067

    246363753 P=12.065 days

    246365896 P=0.5296 days

    246367558 P=18.36 days

    246392266 P=0.576 days

    246402573 P=2.32883 days

    246405050 P=4.209 days

    246408673 P=0.4125 days

    246412710 P=0.33167 days

    246412864 P=0.33246 days

    246416406 P=16.13375 days

    246421164 P=0.73 days

    246425172 primary eclipse at BKJD 2939.20, duration 69.14 hours, depth 0.0696, secondary eclipse at BKJD 2970.34, duration 68.15 hours, depth 0.039 , very nice light curve

    246431497 P=6.8936 days, starting at BKJD 2909.08, duration 3.4 hours, depth 0.169

    246433273 P=0.2975 days (or else PC)

    246433616 P= 9.688 days

    246434128 P=2.4 days

    246446309 P=0.23643 days

    246449231 P=0.40665 days

    246455154 P=0.2559 days

    246455344 P=0.2869 days

    246456572 P=0.7675 days

    246462274 secondary eclipse at BKJD 2929.579, duration 7.8 hours, depth 0.049 (gives a radius of 13.8 R_Earth), primary eclipse at BKJD 2972.78, duration 7.8 hours, depth 0.23 (29.9 R_Earth)

    246467137 period probably about 7 days, but so far we have only one secondary and one primary eclipse

    246467965 P=1.05383 days

    246475451 P=39.72 days

    246477490 P=0.32597 days

    246478240 P=1.71167 days

    246480627 P=12.759 days

    246507864 P=0.2513 days

    246519281 P=0.71267 days

    251456366 P=3.65 days

    251456464 P=6.395 days (or half this value)

    251456488 P=7.746 days (or half this value), depth 0.7 (!)

    251456829 P=0.6183 days

    251456836 P=0.3704 days

    206380015 P=2.853 days






    246427301 maybe

    246434558 maybe


















    246285665 peak at BKJD 2938.19, duration 23.5 hours

    246400649 peak at BKJD 2910.531, duration 3.4 hours, maybe moon at 2910.276

    246403813 peak at BKJD 2914.526, duration 4.9 hours

    246407569 peak at BKJD 2910.766, duration 3.9 hours

    246409438 peak at BKJD 2908.508, duration 3.5 hours

    246409449 peak at BKJD 2909.448, duration 3.5 hours

    246409736 peak at 2907.579, duration 5.9 hours

    246410966 peak at BKJD 2908.22, duration 3.4 hours

    246412879 peak at BKJD 2907.068, duration 3 hours, small peak later on at BKJD 2907.272, duration 1 hour

    246426878 peak at BKJD 2906.618, duration 4.9 hours

    246428321 peak at BKJD 2912.013, duration 4.9 hours

    246429476 peak at BKJD 2909.203, duration 5.4 hours

    246429516 peak at BKJD 2906.823, duration 3.9 hours

    246431569 peak at BKJD 2911.92, duration 4.4. hours

    246432390 peak at BKJD 2907.088, duration 6.9 hours

    246434300 peak at BKJD 2908.611, duration 3.4 hours

    246434800 peak at BKJD 2905.689, duration 5.4 hours

    246434849 peak at BKJD 2910.164, duration 4.4 hours

    246435883 peak at BKJD 2909.704, duration 3.9 hours

    246436641 peak at BKJD 2909.510, duration 5.4 hours

    246438320 peak at BKJD 2908.570, duration 4.4 hours

    246438635 peak at BKJD 2906.353, duration 3.9 hours

    246438644 peak at BKJD 2912.462, duration 4.9 hours

    246438653 peak at BKJD 2907.374, duration 5.9 hours

    246440947 peak at BKJD 2907.088, duration 4.9 hours

    246441591 peak at BKJD 2906.802, duration 3.9 hours

    246444771 peak at BKJD 2907.109, duration 4.9 hours

    246446456 peak at BKJD 2909.908, duration 4.9 hours

    246450421 peak at BKJD 2907.415, duration 5.9 hours

    246453469 peak at BKJD 2909.203, duration 9.3 hours

    246455549 peak at BKJD 2908.049, duration 4.9 hours

    246468392 peak at BKJD 2908.60, duration 4.9 hours

    245468852 peak at BKJD 2906.598, duration 4 hours

    246470378 peak at BKJD 2908.437, duration about 5.9 hours

    246498851 peak at BKJD 2906.7716, duration 4.4 hours

    246500427 peak at BKJD 2907.088, duration 4 hours, maybe solar system object

    251456099 maybe cataclysmic variable, large outbreaks with 500-650% luminosity


    BKJD 2921.26, for example EPIC 246346586 , 246352788


  • Shellface by Shellface

    EPIC 246018746 was our short cadence target; are transits present in the C12 data?


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd in response to Shellface's comment.

    Impossible to tell at this point, we have to wait for corrected data


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Shellface's comment.

    Well, I cannot see anything too. But so far we have only 7 days available in preview1, so maybe later on we can see something nevertheless...


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Well, Mark told me that we have already a special run of EPIC 246018746. Tentatively it could have a period of 19.9 days. Although it's just a quess at this point.




  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Disagree, these are glitches ( they are present in the several LC's from that batch )

    Insufficient correction to say anything about the presence of the transits for now

    but I quote myself

    possible transit with 11.157d period; start from 2959.09

    I don't believe in these either

    Lets wait for data from MAST or Andrew's


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Dolorous_Edd's comment.

    Ok then.


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 60017822/60023349/246183140 from Robert's list and an Engineering/c12 crossover candidate: this target looks like a short period binary that is more visible with the additional data in c12. Already listed on VSX as EB NSVS 14591443 with a period of 0.403318 though.

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    60017822 352.8183 -5.3717 0.0 11.300 E

    246183140 352.8183 -5.3717 0.21 11.270 12

    60023349 352.8183 -5.3717 0.21 11.255 E

    246183064 352.8356 -5.3734 62.25 15.165 12

    246183562 352.8337 -5.3626 64.03 13.695 12

    246182844 352.8005 -5.3778 67.73 14.596 12

    246182460 352.7978 -5.3861 89.99 17.894 12


    60017822,2MASS J23311639-0522177,352.818348,-5.371712,,,,11.300,,,


    EPIC 246183140

    WISE J233116.41-052218.1

    From VSX:

    Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

    0.10 Variable NSVS 14591443 000-BJG-897 23 31 16.80 -05 22 16.7 Aqr EB|EW 0.403318 11.687 - 12.042 R1

    Also listed as TYC 5257-616-1 -- Eclipsing Binary Candidate on Simbad, Proper motions mas/yr: 15.634 -30.327, 23 31 16.4037 -05 22 17.835



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 60023448/246300901 as an Engineering/c12 crossover candidate: noticed about a seven day period that seems to repeat from the Engineering times (although some are more blended-in than those shown). But since there are other possible events near the same period, it seems these could all be related to stellar activity.


    s1=1868.255 p1=6.9995 d1=0.12 (2.88 hours +/-)

    s3=1865.56 p3=6.321 d3=0.14 (3.36 hours +/-)


    s2=2908.97 p2=6.64 d2=0.12 (2.88 hours +/-)

    s3=2921.17 p3=6.321 d3=0.14 (3.36 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246300901 , 2MASS J23341265-0302521 , 10.602 , 10.156 , 10.044 , 0.446 , 0.112 , ('K3V', 0.81) , ('K3V',0.81)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    60023448 353.5527 -3.0477 0.0 11.612 E

    246300901 353.5527 -3.0477 0.02 11.904 12

    246301471 353.5512 -3.0364 41.31 15.348 12

    60020334 353.5293 -3.0492 84.25 14.900 E

    246300833 353.5293 -3.0492 84.34 14.730 12

    246299514 353.5626 -3.0756 106.3 14.027 12


    60023448,2MASS J23341265-0302521,353.552710,-3.047722,,,,11.612,,,

    246300901,2MASS J23341265-0302521,353.552710,-3.047722,4855.00,3.25,1.24,11.904,-18.900,-8.800,445.70


    EPIC 246300901

    WISE J233412.64-030252.4

    Listed as TYC 5254-594-1 -- Star on Simbad, Proper motions mas/yr: -16.993 -14.805, 23 34 12.6624 -03 02 52.190



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 60024244/246233135 from Robert's list and an Engineering/c12 crossover candidate: finally a period for this binary with two primary transit repeats that are visible in the c12 raw cadence(!)


    s1=1866.987 p1=43.3258 d1=0.27 (6.48 hours +/-)


    s1=2906.807 p1=43.3258 d1=0.27 (6.48 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246233135 , 2MASS J23553767-0422098 , 10.589 , 10.240 , 10.173 , 0.349 , 0.067 , ('G8V', 0.94) , ('G0V',1.09)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    60024244 358.907 -4.3694 0.0 12.223 E

    246233135 358.907 -4.3694 0.01 12.208 12

    246232806 358.9196 -4.3756 50.49 17.013 12

    246234466 358.9079 -4.3429 95.36 13.254 12

    246231829 358.8778 -4.3931 134.93 15.066 12


    60024244,2MASS J23553767-0422098,358.906979,-4.369421,,,,12.223,,,

    246233135,2MASS J23553767-0422098,358.906979,-4.369421,5838.00,1.04,0.99,12.208,24.200,-17.700,268.80


    EPIC 246233135

    WISE J235537.69-042210.1

    Programs GO12019_LC, GO12122_LC, GO12071_LC

    Listed as TYC 5256-1076-1 -- Eclipsing Binary Candidate on Simbad, Proper motions mas/yr: 21.635 -14.984, 23 55 37.6808 -04 22 09.919



  • Artman40 by Artman40

    "K2 Campaign 12 processed data available."


  • JKD by JKD

    245929407, PC with S at 2927.12 BKJD, P = ?, Duration ~5.4 hrs, Flux ~2.1 %

    245941309, EB (?) with S at 2913.28 BKJD, P = 25.12, Duration ~3.9 hrs, Flux ~16 %

    245946030, S at 2913.9 BKJD, P = 26.54 d, Duration ~3.92 hrs, Flux ~2.3 %

    245946054 maybe a PC; S at 2938.82 BKJD, P = ?, Duration ~8.8 hrs, Flux ~0.4%

    245948843, eccentric EB, S at 2920.77 BKJD, P = 30.82 d, Duration ~4.9 hrs, Flux ~24.3 %

    245964933 likely an EB, S at 2925.27 BKJD, P = ?, Duration ~10.78 hrs, Flux ~4%

    245969605, EB with a pot 3rd body; S at 2920.00 BKJD, P = 19.37 d, (already mentioned by DE, see below comment)

    245970290 PC with S at 3936.76. BKJD, P = ?, Duration ~8.82 hrs, Flux ~0.7%


  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    From Andrew's data - in Bold




    246069620 - at 2920.85 ; ~14h

    245974080 - maybe SSO at 2926.00 , ~25.00

    246012244 - at 2937.48; 17h

    246013582 - at 2937.65; 18h

    246014935 - at 2960.39

    246084817 - at 2938.0 ; 14h

    246090436 at 2925.55; 11h

    246104750 - 2921.29; ~24h Comet PANSTARRS

    246124699 - 2952.42 ; 11h

    246129569 - 2917.92; 7.8h

    246143593 - 2909.68; 18.63

    246183675 - 2963.46; 8.82

    SSO at 2942.67? 25.9

    246226873 - at 2928.28; duration 10.78

    246233132 - at 2945.68 ; duration 16.67

    246245634 - at 2932.97; duration 7

    246261090 - at 2940.09; duraton 19.6h

    2938.028048 - at 2938.02; duration 17.8


    246405278 - period ~4.462d; depth 0.002 ; duration 4.41h

    246318828 - eclipse at 2915.00

    246310303 - period 16.796; depth 0.0012; duration 3.92

    246307510 - looks like EB? or maybe PC - period ????

    246302675 - maybe dips at 2913.06 and 2937.5 and 2978.03

    246297717 - single dip at 2927.32 ; duration 6.86

    246270904 - period 3.986; depth 0.003; duraton 3.432

    246244037 - period 14.665 start at 2914.91; depth 0.0006; duration 3.43

    246239135 - possible MPC ; period 1 = 8.171 start at 2912.93; period 2 = 12.760 start at 2913.34; period 3 = 19.344 start at 2914.03

    246220667 - period 6.668; duration 2.94; depth 0.0001

    246220254 - period 21.433; duration 3.92

    246214735 - period 36.542; depth 0.0005; duration 7.35; what is up with transit at 2908.67? also dip at 2930.71? and near?

    246193072 - period ~12d; depth ~1% ; duration 3.92h

    246190210 - single dip at 2942.77; depth 0.0003; duration 28h

    246178445 - period 6.394; depth 0.0006; duration 3.43

    246120353 - period 42.856; depth 0.003; duration 3.92

    246116001 - single dip at 2978.80; duration 10h

    246100474 - period 3.943; duration 3.922 : v-shaped

    246088339 - period 2.989 ; depth ~0.0012; duration 2.94

    246074965 - period 6.928 ; depth ~0.06; duration 1.96

    246071434 - maybe EB or PC

    246037082 - maybe single dip ; less than ~1%

    246032466 - single 2% dip

    246028803 - single dip at 2941.20; 53.44h , mind you

    246009033 - period 53.256; depth ~1.2 ; duration 6.86h

    246004726 - period 13.096; mentioned by Hans here:

    246003817 - maybe dip at 2924.59

    245991048 - Possible MPC; Period 1 = 8.584 start at 2909.77 ; period 2 = 20.585; start at 2914.07; looks contaminated to be honest

    245958375 - maybe dip at 2919.61

    245957384 - maybe single dip at 2948.07

    245955351 - possible MPC? mentioned by Hans here:

    P1 = 18.426; start at 2913.03, P2 = 7.982 = start 2918.10

    245945819 - maybe single dip at 2973.93

    245941470 - maybe single dip at 2973.61

    245928245 - maybe dip at 2930.733

    245941234 - maybe single 2924.57


    246340400 - long eclipse at 2941.83

    246335875 - long eclipse at 2942.61

    246318356 - eclipse at 2926.06

    246306905 - single eclipse 2937.16

    246309088 - eclipse at 2938.85

    246301447 - single dip at 2934.21

    246301164 - eccentric binary ; eclipses at 2925.77 and 2934.27

    246298699 - dip at 2934.21

    246279882 - eclipses at 2910.72 and 2939.45

    246258298 - from Hans list; period = 5.380; non EB related dips at 2908.85 and 2944.14 and 2945.18

    246226911 - SD - period 0.6

    246221408 - D - period 18.659

    246205281 - D - period 6.31

    246185964 - single dip at 2948.03

    246163364 - eclipses at 2963.74 and 2972.73



    246135756 - maybe single dip at 2945.54

    246120070 - period 40.567

    246144122 - D - period 5.752

    246128198 - D - period 4.88


    246095055 - HB - period 58.7

    246089124 - single eclipse at 2941.46 also at 2977.97











    246037366 - D - period unknown; eclipses 2910.41 and 2946.88







    246019096 - single dip at 2932.54

    246017002 - period 0.32

    246011239 - period 0.574

    246011078 - period 5.914

    246009385 - C - period ~0.4d

    246002682 - period 0.122

    245985118 - HB - period 13.5

    245982678 - D - period 26.526; dip at 2934.61 ; secondary ?

    245976296 - maybe single dip at 2908.63

    245969605 - period 23d, possible third body transit at 2939.91

    245948952 - maybe EB or contamination from it ; dips at 2908.90 and 2924.84

    245948843 - D - period ~30.8d

    245946030 - D - period ~26.5

    245925480 - D - period ~6.2d

    245937077 - single dip at 2919.58

    245924237 - maybe single dip at 2930.74 ; depth ~2%


    246201911 - why such drastic rise in flux at the of the LC?

    246199087 - random dips

    246193389 - dips at 2944.01 and 2966.55

    246167314 - random dips ?

    246150661 - single dip at 2948.038288

    246144730 - maybe dip at 2943.56

    246135469 - maybe dip at 2923.05

    245986837 - Mira?

    246192083 - multipe spikes, like SSO cross , what are they? they don't look like flares

    246058914 - what type of variable it is?? GDOR?? RR Lyr?

    246060078 - what is wrong with area at 2916?

    246382248 - periodic variable ; period ~10.5d

    246367667 - long dip at 2955.77??

    246231556 - again DN signature at 2948.74 why it is transient?

    246219097 - huh? why such big jump in flux???

    246217282 DN outburst at 2950.82?

    246213003 - DN outburst at 2950.82?

    246128273 - outburst at 2940.89

    246069620 - SSO cross at 2917.24; duration ~ 41.1h ; likely 1997 XX3; is that normal for it to be so rather slow?


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246326057 from Hans Martin's list: has a chance as a high impact warm Jupiter at 0.97 R_Sol or even a bit larger.

    s1=2915.78 p1=13.4625 d1=0.1875 (4.5 hours +/-)

    Semi-Major Axis a (A.U.) = 0.113

    Radius (R_Sun) = 1.06

    Mass (M_Sun)= 1.057

    Period ~= 13.459 days

    Duration ~= 4.5016 hours

    Duration in BKJD ~= 0.1876 days

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246326057 , 2MASS J23354260-0232371 , 12.619 , 12.303 , 12.181 , 0.316 , 0.122 , ('G5V', 0.98) , ('K3V',0.81)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246326057 353.9275 -2.5436 0.01 13.744 12


    246326057,2MASS J23354260-0232371,353.927493,-2.543618,5596.00,0.97,0.97,13.744,4.700,-7.100,578.20


    WISE J233542.60-023237.2

    Program GO12122_LC: Howard The Masses and Prevalence of Small Planets with K2 - Cycle 4



  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    from GO12111 Molnar The grand K2 RR Lyrae survey

    looks rather wierd for RR Lyr, maybe even has some dips, with ~1.34d period see 2906.42

    enter image description here


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246260670 from Hans Martin's list: an interesting target with an apparent dwarf that is small and fairly isolated so it's difficult to make the case for binary contamination or a stellar companion this small. Yet the period and duration seem a mismatch for the star's values on record, unless its orbit is very high impact.. So I guess a transiting object of that type is the better chance here with the information we have right now.

    s1=2907.80 p1=3.85359 d1=0.1175 (2.82 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246260670 , 2MASS J23284225-0350470 , 13.526 , 12.980 , 12.818 , 0.546 , 0.162 , ('K4V', 0.78) , ('K6V',0.7)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246260670 352.1761 -3.8464 0.01 15.286 12

    246260091 352.197 -3.8572 84.55 14.877 12

    246259651 352.2037 -3.8655 120.66 11.076 12


    246260670,2MASS J23284225-0350470,352.176113,-3.846374,4766.00,0.62,0.73,15.286,6.400,-6.000,429.60


    WISE J232842.26-035047.0

    Program GO12123_LC: Stello Galactic Archaeology on a grand scale

    Re the larger spike at 2951.35 BKJD:

    EPIC_ID , time_success , ID , SSO# , Class , Mag , Link , Err , d

    246260670, mid , Mars , -, Planet , -0.1 ,, 0.010 ,460.162

    Also the smaller spike at 2951.78 is near the Mars event so this could be either Phobos and Deimos (the two moons of Mars), if not a flare, asteroid, or a glitch..

    Phobos orbits closer to Mars with a semi-major axis of 9,377 km (5,827 mi). Deimos orbits Mars with a semi-major axis of 23,460 km (14,580 mi) per Wiki.



    Update: here is another look at the SSO from nearby EPIC 246260091 at 84.55 arcsecs away. I amplified the pixel brightness slightly more than the above animation.
    And as you can see, the increase in brightness during both spikes appears about the same, so I think a flare and a single source glitch can be ruled out as the cause.



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246193072 from Ivan's and Hans Martin's lists: nice transit and nearly text book for a planet shape. So as we know from these, a very good chance for a Jupiter class planet candidate with the right-sized star. Also minimally corrected data used for this fit.

    s1=2915.249 p1=12.455 d1=0.15625 (3.75 hours +/-)

    Semi-Major Axis a (A.U.) = 0.106

    Radius (R_Sun) = 0.9

    Mass (M_Sun)= 1.034

    Period ~= 12.449 days

    Duration ~= 3.7514 hours

    Duration in BKJD ~= 0.1563 days

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246193072 , 2MASS J23243247-0509507 , 11.174 , 10.798 , 10.668 , 0.376 , 0.13 , ('G9V', 0.91) , ('K6V',0.7)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246193072 351.1353 -5.1641 0.02 12.463 12

    246192575 351.1606 -5.1733 96.71 15.208 12

    246191348 351.1462 -5.1987 130.5 12.361 12


    246193072,2MASS J23243247-0509507,351.135320,-5.164092,5257.00,0.88,0.94,12.463,11.200,-9.700,254.40


    WISE J232432.48-050950.8

    Programs GO12122_LC, GO12071_LC, GO12123_LC, GO12049_LC:

    GO12122 Howard The Masses and Prevalence of Small Planets with K2 - Cycle 4

    GO12071 Charbonneau Characterizing Small K2 Planets with the HARPS-N Spectrograph

    GO12123 Stello Galactic Archaeology on a grand scale

    GO12049 Quintana Discovery and Vetting of K2 Exoplanets



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246216349 from Hans Martin's list: appears to be an eccentric binary with the secondary more visible in minimally corrected data.

    s1=2923.35 p1=21.465 d1=0.25 (6.0 hours +/-)

    s2=2931.12 p2=21.465 d2=0.25 (6.0 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246216349 , 2MASS J23212126-0441233 , 12.455 , 11.850 , 11.609 , 0.605 , 0.241 , ('K6V', 0.7) , ('M2V',0.5)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246216349 350.3386 -4.6898 0.0 14.667 12

    246215335 350.3487 -4.7108 83.71 14.736 12

    246215532 350.3641 -4.7064 109.02 13.039 12


    246216349,2MASS J23212126-0441233,350.338593,-4.689814,3699.00,0.33,0.37,14.667,-26.000,-42.000,103.30


    WISE J232121.23-044124.1



  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Unfortunately the new MAST data does not support my first look. It now seems to support a 38.26 days period.




  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246067459 from Ivan's and Hans Martin's lists: could work as a large gas giant planet candidate in a somewhat messy light curve with a subgiant star, and if not a binary. Be interesting to see if in an eccentric orbit also.

    s1=2907.503 p1=3.2051 d1=0.15 (3.6 hours +/-)

    Semi-Major Axis a (A.U.) = 0.041

    Radius (R_Sun) = 1.3

    Mass (M_Sun)= 0.906

    Period ~= 3.209 days

    Duration ~= 3.6039 hours

    Duration in BKJD ~= 0.1502 days

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246067459 , 2MASS J23104905-0751270 , 12.464 , 12.095 , 12.032 , 0.369 , 0.063 , ('G9V', 0.91) , ('G0V',1.09)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246067459 347.7043 -7.8575 0.02 13.552 12

    246067010 347.6892 -7.867 64.06 13.322 12

    246068627 347.716 -7.8307 105.08 15.410 12


    246067459,2MASS J23104905-0751270,347.704341,-7.857499,5375.00,0.88,0.91,13.552,-20.300,-4.900,453.00


    WISE J231049.06-075127.2

    Program GO12122 Howard The Masses and Prevalence of Small Planets with K2 - Cycle 4



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246069793 from Ivan's and Hans Martin's lists: sparse transit data, but a high impact gas giant seems possible for this small M-dwarf target (0.34 R_Sol: Huber). Minimally corrected data again for this fit.

    s1=2911.943 p1=7.2695 d1=0.1133 (2.72 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246069793 , 2MASS J23460505-0748197 , 13.716 , 13.061 , 12.802 , 0.655 , 0.259 , ('M7V', 0.098) , ('M3V',0.4)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246069793 356.5211 -7.8055 0.04 16.382 12


    246069793,2MASS J23460505-0748197,356.521068,-7.805489,3778.00,0.34,0.38,16.382,39.000,-36.000,201.30


    WISE J234605.08-074820.2

    Program GO12018_LC Crossfield The K2 M Dwarf Project: Campaigns 11-13



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246074965 from Ivan's and Hans Martin's lists: faint target at 16.278 Kepmag, but a small planet candidate seems possible here if a 0.28 R_Sol star. A blend or a high-impact and barely-transiting stellar companion also possible based on the colors.

    s1=2910.83 p1=6.929 d1=0.075 (1.9 hours +/-)

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246074965 , 2MASS J23354006-0741116 , 13.177 , 12.595 , 12.352 , 0.582 , 0.243 , ('K5V', 0.75) , ('M2V',0.5)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246074965 353.9169 -7.6866 0.01 16.278 12

    246075368 353.8901 -7.6782 100.24 11.891 12


    246074965,2MASS J23354006-0741116,353.916929,-7.686560,3629.00,0.28,0.29,16.278,-5.000,-43.000,120.50

    Programs GO12018_LC, GO12123_LC:

    GO12018_LC Crossfield The K2 M Dwarf Project: Campaigns 11-13

    GO12123_LC Stello Galactic Archaeology on a grand scale



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246063952 from Hans Martin's list: seems a bit higher chance for a blended binary so far here, but a PC was targeted by three planet-hunting proposals...

    s1=2908.217 p1=8.113 d1=0.141 (3.38 hours +/-)

    Semi-Major Axis a (A.U.) = 0.078

    Radius (R_Sun) = 0.91

    Mass (M_Sun)= 0.95

    Period ~= 8.101 days

    Duration ~= 3.3811 hours

    Duration in BKJD ~= 0.1409 days

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246063952 , 2MASS J23254154-0756052 , 11.149 , 10.804 , 10.755 , 0.345 , 0.049 , ('G8V', 0.94) , ('F1V',1.5)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246063952 351.4231 -7.9348 0.02 12.315 12

    246065231 351.4227 -7.9065 101.88 12.675 12

    246064599 351.3923 -7.9207 120.96 15.344 12


    246063952,2MASS J23254154-0756052,351.423072,-7.934754,5483.00,0.91,0.95,12.315,26.400,8.400,263.50


    WISE J232541.55-075605.0

    Programs GO12122_LC, GO12071_LC, GO12049_LC:

    GO12122 Howard The Masses and Prevalence of Small Planets with K2 - Cycle 4

    GO12071 Charbonneau Characterizing Small K2 Planets with the HARPS-N Spectrograph

    GO12049 Quintana Discovery and Vetting of K2 Exoplanets



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 245995977 from Hans Martin's list: this transit looks pretty convincing as a Neptune planet candidate.

    s1=2906.899 p1=3.3131 d1=0.10 (2.4 hours +/-)

    Semi-Major Axis a (A.U.) = 0.042

    Radius (R_Sun) = 0.86

    Mass (M_Sun)= 0.915

    Period ~= 3.31 days

    Duration ~= 2.401 hours

    Duration in BKJD ~= 0.1 days

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    245995977 , 2MASS J23424854-0935188 , 12.128 , 11.800 , 11.718 , 0.328 , 0.082 , ('G6V', 0.97) , ('G9V',0.91)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    245995977 355.7023 -9.5886 0.05 13.376 12

    245996687 355.7187 -9.5708 86.54 15.633 12

    245994782 355.7037 -9.6191 109.92 16.596 12


    245995977,2MASS J23424854-0935188,355.702287,-9.588591,5760.00,0.88,0.87,13.376,28.700,-30.300,425.30


    WISE J234248.56-093519.2

    Program GO12122 Howard The Masses and Prevalence of Small Planets with K2 - Cycle 4



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246297630 from Ivan's list: the 2911.x spike in the LC appears to be main belt asteroid Cernovice just tumbling along through our field of view.

    EPIC_ID , time_success , ID , SSO# , Class , Mag , Link , Err , d

    246297630, mid , Cernovice , 6802, MB>Outer , 16.8 ,, 0.024 ,5.624

    K2 ephemeris for Cernovice from JPL/Horizons...

    Object 'Cernovice' is visible in C1 (mag 19.3..20.0; 0.8..29.2"/h; ra 171.081..176.884; dec 0.552..3.117).

    Object 'Cernovice' is visible in C12 (mag 16.8..18.2; 2.2..55.7"/h; ra 0.687..359.469; dec -3.158..3.498).



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 246058914 from Ivan's list: this target an unusual double-mode RR Lyrae according to VSX which I believe is visible here.

    EPIC, 2MASS, J mag, H mag, K mag, J - H, H - K, (J-H spectral type, stellar mass est) (H-K spectral type, stellar mass est)

    246058914 , 2MASS J23254104-0803002 , 16.438 , 16.184 , 15.502 , 0.254 , 0.682 , ('F9V', 1.14) , ('',0.0)

    From NEA, K2 Targets within search area:

    EPIC Number RA [decimal degrees] Dec [decimal degrees] Distance [arc sec] Kepler-band [mag] Campaign Number

    246058914 351.421 -8.0501 0.01 16.891 12

    246058436 351.4139 -8.0609 46.67 14.417 12

    246059728 351.4314 -8.0319 75.33 13.663 12


    246058914,2MASS J23254104-0803002,351.421022,-8.050081,,,,16.891,,,

    From VSX:

    Dist. ' Name AUID Coords (J2000) Const. Var. type Period (d) Mag. range

    0.03 Variable CSS_J232540.9-080259 -- 23 25 40.96 -08 02 59.3 Aqr RRD 0.336102 16.98 (0.46) CV

    "RRD: Double-mode RR Lyrae stars which pulsate in the fundamental mode as well as in the first overtone with a period ratio of 0.74 and a fundamental period near 0.5 days (or in the first and second overtones with a period ratio of 0.80). GCVS class RR(B)."



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Re 251456099 from Hans Martin's list: well this could be a quasar in a distant galaxy according to the C12 program for this target. We can't see much in the pixel data of course, but incredible time and distance probably involved here.

    RA/Dec 351.6068400, 1.2024180, Kepmag 20.140

    Listed as PKS 2323+009 -- Radio-source on Simbad, 23 26 25.6438 +01 12 08.693

    Program: GO12013 Richards Variability of Luminous Quasars as a Function of Accretion Rate

    "A quasar consists of a supermassive black hole surrounded by an orbiting accretion disk of gas. As gas in the accretion disk falls toward the black hole, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Quasars emit energy across the electromagnetic spectrum and can be observed at radio, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, and X-ray wavelengths. The most powerful quasars have luminosities exceeding 1041 W, thousands of times greater than the luminosity of a large galaxy such as the Milky Way."




  • Dolorous_Edd by Dolorous_Edd

    If anyone wondered how our local solar system comet would look like

    Well .....BEHOLD

    EPIC 246104750 - Comet C/2012 F3

    enter image description here

    slow, sarcastic clap


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans

    Well, I look now to the corrected LC's of Andrew Vanderburg K2_C12_Corr, starting from the last one.

    PC candidates:

    245953291 possible MPC, P1=68.13 days, maybe single transit at BKJD 2973.79, dutation 6.4 hours, depth 0.014 (5.16 R_Earth), P2=25.63145 days, starting at BKJD 2925.07, duration 3.0 hours, depth 0.0118 (4.7 R_Earth)

    245982678 P=26.56 days, starting at BKJD 2921.97, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0295 (12.1 R_Earth), additional dip at BKJD 2934.63, duration 3.4 hours, depth 0.0050 (5.0 R_Earth), mentioned by Ivan as an EB, but the "secondary" does NOT repeat

    245989879 P=33.5548 days, starting at BKJD 2934.60, duration 6.8 hours, depth 0.0016 (3.0 R_Earth)

    246020040 P=19.225 days, starting at BKJD 2920.68, duration 3.4 hours, depth 0.026 (11.9 R_Earth), mentioned as a EB (without period) by Ivan

    246061904 maybe MPC P1=0.71347, starting at BKJD 2905.57, duration 2 hours, depth 0.0007 (2.06 R_Earth), P2=3.39635 days, starting at BKJD 2906.62, duration 3 hours, depth 0.0011 (2.6 R_Earth), P3=7.084 days starting at BKJD 2907.02, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0032 (4.4 Earth), P4=20.672 days, starting at BKJD 2922.97, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0020 (3.5 R_Earth)

    246069306 P=9.755 days, starting at BKJD 2915.13, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0034 (2.5 R:Earth)

    246074314 P=4.6236 days, starting at BKJD 2908.51, duration 3 hours, depth 0.0005 (4.0 R_Earth)

    246083370 maybe single transit at BKJD 2920.17, duration 12.75 hours, depth 0.0012 (6.8 R_Earth)

    246093390 P1=0.9709 days, starting at BKJD 2906.12, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0009 (1.6 R_Earth), P2=26.255 days, starting at BKJD 2908.37, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0026 (2.6 R_Earth), it could be a glitch though, since only two transits look good, the third is not visible

    246095313 P=14.486 days, starting at BKJD 2914.09, duration 6.9 hours, depth 0.0032 (4.2 R_Earth)

    246099088 maybe single transit at BKJD 2919.65, duration 7.4 hours, depth 0.0014 (7.1 R_Earth)

    246130778 P=23.76 days, starting at BKJD 2924.16, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.025 (11.9 R_Earth)

    246199087 MPC P1=1.5107 days, starting at BKJD 2906.53, duration 2.0 hours, depth 0.0113 (1.2 R_Earth), P2=2.4215 days, strarting at BKJD 2907.54, duration 1,5 hours, depth 0.0052 (0.78 R_Earth), P3=4.0498 days, starting at BKJD 2910.03, duration 2.0 hours, depth 0.0052 (0.78 R_Earth), P4=6.095 days, starting at BKJD 2906.68, duration 2.0 hours, depth 0.0059 (0.83 R_Earth), P5=9.2065 days, starting at BKJD 2912.02, duration 1.5 hours, depth 0.0059 (0.084 R_Earth), P6=12.293 days, starting at BKJD 2905.86, duration 2.0 hours, depth 0.0066 (0.88 R_Earth), Tappist-1

    245995977 P=3.3126 days, starting at BKJD 2906.90, duration 3 hours, 0.0022 (4.3 R_Earth)

    246239053 MPC P1=8.175 days, starting at BKJD 2912.93, duration 4.5 hours, depth 0.0005 (2.6 R_Earth), P2=12.75 days, starting at BKJD 2913.36, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0006 (2.8 R_Earth), P3=19.354 days, starting at BKJD 2914.01, duration 4.0 hours, depth 0.0004 (2.2 R_Earth), P4=37.577 days, starting at BKJD 2930.63, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0005 (2.6 R_Earth)

    246253528 P=9.7549 days, starting at BKJD 2915.10, duration 4.9 hours, depth 0.0058 (5.6 R_Earth), maybe another transit at BKJD 2930.66, duration 4.5 hours, depth 0.0104 (7.4 R_Earth)

    246265680 P=8.635 days, starting at BKJD 2906.20, duration 7.3 hours, depth 0.0144 (8.5 R_Earth)

    246290342 P1=16.599 days, starting at BKJD 2913.44, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0021, P2=11.687 days, starting at BKJD 2911.22, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0007

    246389858 P1=1.2088 days, starting at BKJD 2905.83, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0007, P2=3.6482 days, starting at BKJD 2905.55, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0004, P3=6.2010 days, duration 2.0 hours, depth 0.0008, see also

    246471177 maybe transit at BKJD 2951.35, duration 5.88, depth 0.0020 (10.6 R_Earth)

    246471491 MPC P1=3.47165 days, strating at BKJD 2906.89, duration 3.0 days, depth 0.0011, P2=7.1438 days, starting at BKJD 2911.50, duration 3.0 hours, depth 0.0023, P3=10.4406 days, starting at BKJD 2912.38, duration 3.5 hours, depth 0.0016, P4=14.76795 days, starting at BKJD 2908.88, duration 2.5 hours, depth 0.0013

    251456139 P=1.565 days, starting at BKJD 2906.0, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.024

    EB candidates:

    245942107 eclipse at BKJD 2906.56, 2940.09, 2974.70, duration 6.4 hours, depth around 12 R_Earth, delta_t =33.53 days and 34.61, period 68.16 days. Mentioned by Ivan wit a single dip at 2906.54

    246199307 eclipse at BKJD 2948.06, duration 4.5 hours, depth 0.155 (75 R_Earth)

    246302531 eclipse at BKJD 2914.99, duration 4.4 hours, depth 0.0639

    246318828 eclipse at BKJD 2915.00, duration 4 hours, depth 0.0333

    246347783 P=11.732 days, mentioned by Ivan with a single eclipse

    246361128 eclipse at BKJD 2911.20, duration 6.8 hours, depth 0.0455

    251456020 P=2.3658 days

    251456923 eclipse at BKJD 2948.05

    251456842 eclipse at BKJD 2945.89


    246271928 maybe Cepheid, P=4.939 days

    glitch at BKJD 2948.03, for example EPIC 251456951 and 246423593


  • Artman40 by Artman40

    " Three Small Super-Earths Transiting the nearby star GJ 9827"


    We report on the discovery of three transiting planets around GJ~9827.

    The planets have radii of 1.75+0.11−0.12, 1.36+0.09−0.09, and 2.10+0.15−0.15~R⊕, and periods of 1.20896, 3.6480, and 6.2014 days, respectively. The detection was made in Campaign 12 observations as part of our K2 survey of nearby stars. GJ~9827 is a V=10.39~mag K6V star at distance of 30.3 parsecs and the nearest star to be found hosting planets by Kepler and K2.
    The radial velocity follow-up, high resolution imaging, and detection of multiple transiting objects near commensurability drastically reduce the false positive probability.
    The orbital periods of GJ~9827~b, c and d planets are very close to the 1:3:5 mean motion resonance. Our preliminary analysis shows that GJ~9827 planets are excellent candidates for atmospheric observations.
    Besides, the planetary radii span both sides of the rocky and gaseous divide, hence the system will be an asset in expanding our understanding of the threshold. "


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Artman40's comment.

    GJ-9827 is EPIC 246389858

    I get from LcViewer:

    P1=1.2088 days, P2=3.6482 days, P3=6.2010 days.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to ajamyajax's comment.

    Yes, in the K2_C12_Coss data (by Andrew Vanderburg), it's obviously an EB.



  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Good to see, thanks!


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21

    EPIC 245950175 (EE-1) has just been confirmed as K2-138. The original four planets, plus a fifth that shutcheon from Exoplanet Explorers found, and now confirmed as K2-138 b, c, d, e, and f. Shutcheon’s sixth candidate is under investigation. I’m not too sure what the EE scientists think of the potential seventh and eighth planets that could and should exist between K2-138e and K2-138.06.


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    Nice going about K2-138! Congrats to all involved.


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21

    Yet another confirmed Campaign 12 planet; K2-141b, a horrific hellish abomination orbiting every 0.28 days. Could have a star-facing side with temperatures in excess of 3,000 K.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to ProtoJeb21's comment.

    Yes, the paper can be read at

    I think we have at least 9 (!) planets here:

    ID Name code=1 EPIC start_date end_date period color_code

    P001 PlanetaryTransit 1 245950175 2907.565658 2907.708694 8.263000000000 1408

    P002 PlanetaryTransit2 1 245950175 2918.347235 2918.551571 12.756000000000 872

    P003 PlanetaryTransit3 1 245950175 2907.272222 2907.415258 3.558000000000 332

    P004 PlanetaryTransit4 1 245950175 2910.126629 2910.241807 5.403425000000 634

    P005 PlanetaryTransit5 1 245950175 2908.278786 2908.421808 5.404000000000 357

    P006 PlanetaryTransit6 1 245950175 2907.734000 2907.814000 2.464000000000 119

    P007 PlanetaryTransit7 1 245950175 2910.076293 2910.239749 27.031263000000 796

    P008 PlanetaryTransit8 1 245950175 2940.663985 2940.964845 41.950753000000 902

    P009 PlanetaryTransit9 1 245950175 2934.492310 2934.717058 41.067452000000 525

    Cheers, Hans Martin


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21 in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Did you use Everest2 or SFF data to find those signals? With SFF data, P005 and P006 turn out absolutely terrible (negative sigma).

    EDIT: I just realized that signals like P005 and P006 are marking potential long-period candidates...right?


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to ProtoJeb21's comment.

    I used the C12_Corr data provided by Al Schmitt and LcViewer. I have to admit that P005 is not too much convincing, but the period must be somewhere according to the paper mentioned above.


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21 in response to zoo3hans's comment.

    Okay, I'm downloading the corrected C12 data to see what I can find. Also, with SFF data, your P008 looks really good. I'm surprised that me, shutcheon, and Vidar87 all missed it when doing our analysis of EPIC 245950175.


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21

    Two newly confirmed Hot Jupiters, one of which is in Campaign 12 and has THREE suns.
