Planet Hunters Talk

Star brightness dropping to 40% from a planet ?? (not a pulsar)

  • Aalkatraz by Aalkatraz

    Kepler id: 9284741
    It is not a pulsar for sure because this can be visible imediately.
    What type of object can cover the star up to 30-50% ?!
    In a period of 4 quarters the star has reached around 30 times when its brighness lowered to the index of 0.6
    Are those ultra big planets ? (Jupiter covers the Sun only by 1%)
    Now imagine what could cover a star over 40% ...


  • josemlucero by josemlucero

    it strange i see many (one to three) 33 % dips per quarter.


  • emily.safron by emily.safron

    Hello! It seems that object is an eclipsing binary system. Here's another look at that data in a different way.
