Planet Hunters Talk

Deciphering the data points

  • cianbcurran by cianbcurran

    Hi I'm new. What do the data points represent? Luminosity at a point in time or loss of luminosity? Thanks.


  • FlamingSamurai by FlamingSamurai

    anything bellow 1.0000 would represent a dimming down of the light captured by Kepler and everything above 1 is it getting brighter. I am not too sure about this because I started recently


  • JRSchmitt by JRSchmitt

    The data points represent the brightness of the star as a function of time. The data is "normalized" to 1.0, meaning that the average brightness of the star has been redefined to equal 1.0. The star will often move up and down on its own, but planets will cause sharper dips in the brightness of the star.


  • johnfairweather by johnfairweather

    Re-scaling the data sometimes help, as in the case of Tabby's star, where a lot of anomalies were found.
