Planet Hunters Talk

APH00014m0 - clearly visible transit

  • Qwert225 by Qwert225

    APH00014m0 has a transit in Q11-3 at day 25.3 . The transiting planet is very small (0.08% dip in brightness), but the transit is clearly visible at the relatively smooth curve. Can somebody confirm my discovery?


  • Weese by Weese

    I'm not an expert but that seems to be a too small of a difference.


  • Qwert225 by Qwert225

    It's just the size of a rocky planet with ~2 Earth radii.


  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21

    Hey Qwert225, I don't think your transit event is caused by a planet; It seems to be part of that star's variability. I've seen a few events like it with your star and others. However, I found what could be another transiting planet at Day 18, also in Q11-3. It dips the star by 0.005%, is about 0.55154 times the size of Earth, an appears to have an orbital period greater than 1 month.


  • zoo3hans by zoo3hans in response to Qwert225's comment.

    25.3 (BKJD 1093.75) is a known glitch in Q11-3. See also
