Planet Hunters Talk

Classify - Simulations

  • MrBees by MrBees

    I was checking out some of the simulations in the Classify section and came across a few that were a bit confusing. In simulation Transit 2 the set data points highlighted as being the transit look no different to me than the rest of the data points. What is the clue that sets these data points out from the remaining points?enter image description here
    In Transit 4 I understand that there are more data points packed together in the transit but you highlighted one data point that we can't even see. Is there any way to enlarge the area to include all of the data points?enter image description here
    In Transit 7 the data points you say make up the transit look no different that the rest of the points. What tells you that this is a transit?enter image description here
    In Transit 11 I can not see how the transit points are possible for a human to see. Maybe you could enlighten me, please.enter image description here
    In Transit 17 you are taking three data points one of which is above the middle of the data band and calling them a transit. I have no problem with that accept that the proof of a transit is kind of thin. Really?enter image description here
    In Transit 18 we also have three data points one of which is at the bottom of the data band and the other two are just below the top one. I can't think of how many of these I have skipped. Any clues so I don't miss these in the future.enter image description here
    In Transit 19 we have the same situation as in Transit 11. A computer would have to pick out the transits. As far as I can see there is nothing that sets the transit data points apart from all the other points.enter image description here
    Please help.
