Planet Hunters Talk


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    I'm getting repeats. Anyone else ? Or is this supposed to happen ?


  • Martti_Holst_Kristiansen by Martti_Holst_Kristiansen in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Reading your comments it looks like you are viewing the same star but different quarters. That is just how the PH works.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB

    Ah, that explains things ! Thanks ! 😄


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    We're now starcentric, so the APH id represents the star. There are 16 ot 17 quarters of data which we divide typically into 3 chunks per quarter, so you might be seeing the same star but different quarter and quarter chunk. You can tell be the quarter label that shows up below the summary page after you've classified it should something like 11-3 or 12-2 (quarter 11 chunk 3 or quarter 12 chunk 2). Also when you comment from the box on the summary page it automatically add the quarter and chunk there too. from you're comments it looks like you've seen 16.3 and 11.3




  • x303 by x303

    Well, if you see your own comment back, it certainly looks like you already classified that one.


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist in response to x303's comment.

    Right, but it's because we've switched to starcentric veruss light curve centric on Talk so that comments and discussions are all together for a single star rather than scattered like they are on the original Planet Hunters Talk. More detail can be found here.


