Planet Hunters Talk

Marked as a Bad Sim. Do You Say Otherwise?

  • PsyberDave by PsyberDave

    I am all for someone explaining to me how the simulations in this graph are fair analogs of actual transits of a similar star.


  • catofbluemoon01 by catofbluemoon01

    Hello, PsyberDave. Maybe take a look at this blog post on simulated transits, if you like. I think it could help you answer your question.

    I'm pretty new to this myself, so I'm not entirely sure, but from I was actually looking at a thread earlier today (sadly I can't find it now) on here that was talking about just this. The response was that, essentially, those "bad sims" exist so that scientists can figure out what range of planet sizes and orbits that we're unable of identifying. I've come across a few simulations so far that I simply couldn't figure out how I could possibly find them, but from what I've read, the point is to figure out what we might be missing.

    They state in a few different places that the purpose of the simulated transits is to gather data on what we can and what we cannot identify, not to test or train us, although with #sims we can reasonably identify it does kind of serve to help us figure out how to find the transits, even if that's not the intended purpose.

    Hopefully this helps a little.
