Planet Hunters Talk


  • revdan by revdan

    Q8-2 #Pulsating
    Rapid up and down changes in brightness on the order of a few hours


  • revdan by revdan

    Q11-2 Pulsating star with periods >1 day.


  • revdan by revdan

    Q1-1 #CV Cataclysmic variables (cv's) are a class of stars where the sudden ignition of material on the surface of a white dwarf results in


  • revdan by revdan

    Q8-1 Transiting Planet
    A planet goes in front of a star and blocks a portion of the star light


  • revdan by revdan

    Q15-2 Heart Beat Star
    Two stars get very close together but avoid collision. Their structure changes, and the light curve exhibits a shape l


  • revdan by revdan

    Q15-1 #Heart Beat Star Two stars get very close together but avoid collision. Their structure changes, and the light curve exhibits a shape like a cardiogram.
