Planet Hunters Talk

planet system

  • zaqeee123 by zaqeee123

    Star (Kepler Id: 4552729) has planets.

    First planet circulates the star in perioid of 380 days (Q2-2 day 5 + Q6-2 day 25 + Q10-3 day 14 +Q15-1 day 1)

    The rest of transits:

    1. Q5-2 day 21
    2. Q7-3 day 2
    3. Q8-1 day 17
    4. Q11-3 day 13
    5. Q12-3 day 27
    6. Q14-1day 2
    7. Q17-1 day 10
      If you see any other transits please write them here.


  • Ptd by Ptd

    KOI 02691.01, Listed as Period = 97.4467732±0.0002907 days Planet Radius = 3.47 +0.42-0.27 x Earth
