Planet Hunters Talk


  • Ptd by Ptd

    I'm trying to work this one out, its got short period brightness variations of 6% in it, so I think its either an EB, T-Tauri or RR Lyrae , if anyone else knows of other things it could be please pitch in.

    EPIC210270772 folded at .5067 days

    I've folded it at 0.5067 days, it's got a very saw toothed shape and I'm not quite sure what that indicates?

    There is nothing nearby listed in VSX, and NEA has no other EPIC numbers with available LCs nearby, its listed in Vizier but I'm not quite sure how diagnostic the listed info is?

    Here is the Skyview

    looking here and noting that this star has a value of J-H=0.614 & H-K=0.286 then I suspect its M class.

    Which according to this means it's not a RR Lyrae.

    But it could be a T-Tauri with a big star spot and a period of 0.25335 days (can they rotate that quick?)because apparently they can come in M class

    Or its an EB

    Sorry for slightly verbose post but I've been staring at LCs on and off for a couple of years now, and thought I'd finally like to learn what the various types of star are and how to tell one type from another by looking at the Light Curve.

    If anyone has any other ideas, or can scare up more info on this star, please comment.


  • davidbundy77 by davidbundy77

    This star is targeted in proposal GO4011 "A K2 Search for Planets Transiting Bright M Dwarf Stars" which would seem to confirm that it is an M-Dwarf. Young M-Dwarf stars (including T-Tauri stars) can rotate this fast and they seem to be a focus of several Campaign 4 proposals, so I think this is more likely to be the explanation than an EB.
