Planet Hunters Talk

EPIC 204653283


    This star demontriruet obvious changed in its light curve light.

    Possible transit noticeable at 2079.31 in the period of 17 days .tak is especially great to see the transit 2068.31 (Day 4) 2089 (4 per day) in 2060 (6 days). Still it is possible to distinguish between transit 2065.31 (4 day) 2093.35 (Day 8) 2100 (35 days) 2110.35 (25 days) 2110 (Day 2). Particular attention should be paid I think with 2068.31 (Day 4) 2089 (4 day) since the change of the signal is displayed in all quarters of the study of the star. It could be such a planetary transit of nature?.
