Planet Hunters Talk

KIC 8462852 idea...multiple planets in simultaneous transits

  • pathwinder14 by pathwinder14

    I'm new. I apologize for my potential etiquette broach and possible ignorance, but has anyone proposed the idea of multiple planets in KIC 8462852's system creating transits simultaneously? Multiple planets in the same view-able elliptic/plane as the telescope, traversing the in front of the star simultaneously, could cause irregular dips of varying lengths. What if it is not just one planet, but several?


  • ajamyajax by ajamyajax

    It's all good with science questions, but also please know only amateur volunteers are active here right now. In other words, you often have to do some reading and find such answers yourself. If it helps though, I think it is safe to say that nearly every possibility has been considered by scientists spending much more time thinking about it than you or I. You can read about many of their conclusions here, including the original paper. Good luck and I hope you enjoy your research.


  • pathwinder14 by pathwinder14 in response to ajamyajax's comment.

    Thank you for the info. I'll start digging through it.
