Planet Hunters Talk

APH00015me System

  • ProtoJeb21 by ProtoJeb21

    On August 2nd, 2016, I found what appeared to be a transiting planet in the light curve of APH0015me, or KIC 7848638. This potential planet is about 1.17 times the size of Earth and orbits its K-type host star every 12.2 days. On August 6th, I decided to go through every piece of data for KIC 7848638 to see if I can spot that previously mentioned planet transiting in other data sets. This would help rule out it being a false positive. I managed to find this planet dozens of times, along with what may be 4 other exoplanets. Planet c is about 0.686 times the size of Earth and orbits every 15.5 days; Planet d has 0.9 times the radius of Earth and a year of 37 days; Planet e, with 1.6 Earth radii, orbits every 201 days and may be in the habitable zone; and Planet f orbits once every 442 days and is about twice the size of Earth. I feel confident that planets b through d are real, but I have some doubts on the outer two due to their long orbital periods and how I've only spotted two or three transits for each world. They may even have shorter orbital periods, but any other transits were blocked by outbursts on KIC 7848638 or by glitches in the data.
