Planet Hunters Talk

Ringworld shadow squares

  • deepsky_actual by deepsky_actual

    This date feed is on the fringe, out of family, fucked up,.... to the uninitiated. I call it a 'stupid user trick' in that someone (in this case.. a 'user'... 😉 still too subtle?) is 1 step removed from a known effect that would explain the signal but (the user) is also tasked with raising a red flag when they see something. Like this. Well not like THIS... THIS is surreal.

    Its been awhile now. um.. weeks or months.
    Is there so much data, so few people processing data or is this too well known to bother with?

    I am going with "so few people divided by the rest of the known universe of things to look over thanks we will get back to you" ratio. Ya that might be a small number.


  • Martti_Holst_Kristiansen by Martti_Holst_Kristiansen

    I am not quite sure where you are getting at. Nevertheless, I will add additional informations which hopefully will clarify the transit features concerning this star.

    The chart below shows clear APOs in both MOM_CENTR1 and MOM_CENTR2. Therefore are the transitions not planets orbiting this particular star (KID 7116767 - APH00004cf) but instead contamination due to nearby stars.

    APO for Q7:

    enter image description here
