Planet Hunters Talk

Learning from mistakes or community comparisons?

  • kuddelmuddel.7 by kuddelmuddel.7

    Hello, I'm new to this site and so far I am enjoying it, but there's one thing I don't get I've yet to see an example where the system will tell you that you've identified a transit incorrectly. Is it because this system is more based on community comparisons? It's entirely possible that this is just a new-user mistake as I am unsure if I am using the site wrong or if this is just something that it doesn't have to offer. If someone could politely explain what I'm not getting here it would be greatly appreciated.


  • squirreldude by squirreldude

    the data's raw, aka there's no reference towards an accurate transit identification short of the simulations created by the planet hunters team to gauge accuracy. As far as I know, Planet hunters doesn't use one persons identifications specifically in terms of identifying exoplanets so you should be relatively safe.


  • squirreldude by squirreldude

    they periodically cycle through new sets of light curves after the last curve sets have been identified.


  • kuddelmuddel.7 by kuddelmuddel.7 in response to squirreldude's comment.

    Alright, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the help.


  • squirreldude by squirreldude

    no prob kuddel 😃


  • hawaiisunfun by hawaiisunfun

    @kuddelmuddel.7 all we try to do as citizen scientists is just point the scientists in the right direction and what we have a hunch about what might be a planet. It is up to scientists to look at the data and confirm or deny whether a planet is there or not. That is why you cannot get feedback on your work; the confirmation process happens outside of Planet Hunters in universities and research papers.

    My only confirmation about whether I'm doing everything correctly is by checking the number of confirmed planets using K2 data. Then I know I've helped. I also check to see the live # of confirmed exoplanets. If this # goes up, then I know I led scientists in the right direction 😃

    Also, like you said, you can click 'discuss in talk' on Planet Hunters and see what others write in comparison to your comments.
