Planet Hunters Talk

Charts aren't loading! Help!

  • Spencer56 by Spencer56

    Im new to Planet Hunters, problem is the charts just wont load I've tried everything, i left it alone loading all night, tried different browsers, re-started the computer, cleared cookies etc, signed in and out and nothing. I cant find references to this problem, if there is anything anyone can do to help it would be greatly appreciated.


  • Pousseligne by Pousseligne

    I have the same problem, i've tried using different computers but it still doesn't work. The other projects load normally.


  • heel by heel

    I see same problem on chrome:
    Page says: Do you see a transit? If so, highlight it on the light curve below!

    and the NoTransit button is inactive. Basically you are stuck. because you cant highligt anything either. The page is one of the test pages I think because of the red - precircled dots.

    You got to fix this quickly or people will leave - including me, a brand new user.


  • cripple85 by cripple85

    I think the light curves ened, we've done all the calssifications the science team loeaded for us. We have to wait for a couple of days now.


  • Jon74 by Jon74

    I noticed it too. I think the problem is a script hosted at amazon. It is requested over http:// instead of https://. Using the developer tools in a browser (F12) you can check to see if the console is showing an error. In this case I'm seeing a 'mixed content' error where '' is requested.


  • Stargate38 by Stargate38

    I'm having the exact same problem. PLEASE fix it so I can classify more light curves! 😦


  • Spencer56 by Spencer56

    What computers are you guys using, mine is a dated Macbook pro.


  • Jon74 by Jon74

    Asus laptop less than 2 years old. But the issue is not hardware related. A script is blocked from being loaded because the script url does not start with https. Nothing we can do but wait. In the meantime you could try another zooniverse project 😃


  • Spencer56 by Spencer56

    Maybe all the stars went out. :p


  • Jon74 by Jon74

    It's working again, but I'm only getting simulations


  • qbrilium by qbrilium

    only simulations....


  • FredrickJames by FredrickJames

    I am getting a chart with no Z/KID's-not even those letters- to start and magnitude says N/A. When I click to move forward, then Z/KID's appear w Magnitude as well. The Z/K numbers are all different, but my #/notes are all being left on the SAME page. I went thru 15 of these-hoping! Then rebooted app. Went thru a couple more and same thing. I got a lot of simulations in the 15.


  • Spencer56 by Spencer56

    Now every single one is simulated, this blows i'm over it.
