Planet Hunters Talk

Unable to load lightcurve, stuck at "Loading"...

  • MrPapillon by MrPapillon


    I am unable to classify any new lightcurve due to the UI state being stuck at "loading". I tried with Chrome and IE and signing out. When I check the "Recent objects comments..." at, I see that people are adding new comments as expected, so the servers might still be working correctly.


    Best Regards,



  • ronaldbeal by ronaldbeal

    I get the same thing. Tried MS Edge, and Google chrome. On a windows 10 laptop


  • Boss Oli by Boss Oli

    Aye, same here on OS X Yosemite - Chrome or Safari - Also can't get past the tutorial.


  • SpaceIsBig42 by SpaceIsBig42

    Same problem, Windows 7, Google Chrome. Hopefully the following helps some programmer working for Planet Hunters trying to track down this bug 😃

    -When I first got here, I was just in the tutorial (the 3 transits thing). When I completed it, nothing happened. It just stayed at the same transit, with the red dots.

    -Then I made an account, same tutorial, same results, except as I recall when I finished the red dots disappeared, and something must of been incrementing because I was getting the mini-courses.

    -Then I refreshed the page, and I'm just getting "Loading..." with the spinning circle.

    -I signed out, and got the "Welcome!" tutorial again, as in the first part.


  • execrablepiety by execrablepiety

    I'm having the same issue. I signed up for an account and it was initially stuck at the tutorial star, so I tried marking it a few times to no avail. So I refreshed, and it just got stuck at the loading screen. Same result in Firefox as well as Chrome on Windows 7.


  • stevelegend by stevelegend

    Looks like we're all stuck. This is an exciting website, i'll try again tomorrow.


  • Maiaooo1 by Maiaooo1

    I am having exactly the same thing happen to me as execrablepiety. I just signed up, after seeing a post. Hoping there is more to this. 😃


  • Badgethe3rd by Badgethe3rd

    i'm having this issue which is really annoying because this is so much fun.


  • perfectjake by perfectjake

    Also having this issue, Windows 10 64bit on Chrome and Firefox. Turned off extensions, restarted PC and emptied cache.
    I think it's a server side issue


  • ajouthuse by ajouthuse

    I am having the same issue... I wonder if its due to increased traffic load? I came to this website from a post on REDDIT yesterday evening that made it to the front page, that drives a ton of traffic, it could be related?


  • Maelor by Maelor

    Yep, same here. Good old reddit hug of death


  • MrPapillon by MrPapillon

    We have aliens at our doors and we need to find them as soon as possible. I definitely think this is an emergency situation. This bug is preventing me from saving the Earth.


  • Dr. Higgs by Dr. Higgs

    Same here, with firefox 41.0.1 and Chrome.


  • Dr. Higgs by Dr. Higgs

    Or there is a loading sign and nothing happens.


  • Bluesscale by Bluesscale

    I just get the same light curve that doesn't change when I hit the button for the next one. Ok, it is a lovely one with obvious transits but things are clearly broken.


  • claclawolverine by claclawolverine

    same problem for me. stuck in tutorial or in a loading screen.


  • Iipi by Iipi in response to claclawolverine's comment.

    Same here. I am with MrPapillon, this has to be an emergency. 😃


  • borbrezec by borbrezec

    Just started yesterday and had the same problem after about 20 curves. I still can't get past the loading screen today.


  • ghoughton by ghoughton

    Something's wrong, guys. I can't get past the first curve. What's happening?


  • mariner1 by mariner1

    Same here. Completed tutorial but cannot get past loading.


  • JoshBell117 by JoshBell117

    I am having the same issue. It is stuck on "Loading".


  • hotpins15 by hotpins15

    same star, AH00...39


  • Muskwe by Muskwe

    Yep, me too


  • mdesmit by mdesmit

    Same here.


  • sloboje by sloboje

    Me too. I signed up today and I finished tutorial. After that i'm stuck at loading.


  • Avid.Imagination by Avid.Imagination

    Me too


  • Planet_of_the_hope by Planet_of_the_hope

    i wanted to try planet hunting tonight, I was really excited about it... and nothing. No data to look at 😦
    Looaddinng... No Nobel price for me today


  • Planet_of_the_hope by Planet_of_the_hope

    It seems the problem is at least 1 day old. The webmaster or some astrophysicist could at least put a note... are they all taking time off on another planet???


  • jasontrahan by jasontrahan

    Same here. I think all the news mentions melted their server.


  • Planet_of_the_hope by Planet_of_the_hope

    probably. But a user reported a classification 40 min go, so it seems it worked for someone!


  • WinningSmile by WinningSmile

    I could go through the tutorial a few mins ago. Now I can't. It is stuck at a planet around the sun.

    Je suis KIC 8462852.


  • Arjaye by Arjaye

    Went through the tutorial as others have posted, still not loading. Hope your techies can get it working soon.


  • Arjaye by Arjaye in response to jasontrahan's comment.

    I think we have a winner in the probable cause category!


  • milgrom by milgrom

    Same here, I've just had a loading bar for the last 24 hours...? Is it down?


  • niroshido by niroshido

    Yeah I am stuck on the same thing, once you do the trial and click continue, it will stay on the same tutorial star. when you go back to the classify tab again (moving around diff parts of the site) it remains on the "loading" screen.


  • Explainet_ by Explainet_

    Same here.


  • martini2k by martini2k

    is there even a moderator carrying this information to the developers?
    it does not work for me either


  • llatsni by llatsni

    Not working here either... forever "loading"


  • MrPapillon by MrPapillon in response to martini2k's comment.

    I sent them a mail, and they answered positively that they are checking the issue and are working on it to have a fix soon.


  • sloboje by sloboje

    It's working now for me.
