Planet Hunters Talk

Light curve not marked as simulation

  • zizzo by zizzo

    light curve for
    is not marked as simulation (red spots are not present, nor an explanation about the simulation appears after clicking on "finished" button).
    This problem somehow reminds me of
    even though the latter is about known Kepler planets.


  • zizzo by zizzo

    new occurrence


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hi @zizzo , are you getting the simulation notice on other curves? Just not on these two?



  • zizzo by zizzo in response to DZM's comment.

    hi @DZM, yes, normally I get the simulation notice on other curves. So far I've had the problem only with these two curves. After reading the respective talks I guess I was not the only one...


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Okay; I'll put in a bug report. Thank you!!

    EDIT: One more thing: if they're not marked as simulations, how did you know for sure that they were in fact simulations? Thanks!!


  • zizzo by zizzo

    Once I had clicked on "finished" button, I wanted to take a look at other quarters for the same Kepler Id. Hence, I went (for the first case) to

    and I found out that it was a simulation. On this page, the light curve is indeed marked as "simulation" with some
    simulation details:

    Simulated planet radius: 2.625 Earth radii

    Simulated planet period: 11.039 Days

    which match the transit on the light curve.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    The report is in. I know the devs have been looking at fixing some Planet Hunters stuff lately. If I don't see an update on this in a week, I'll lean on 'em. Thanks!!
